It took eight days for the Federal Reserve
to go from QE of $US700 billion ($1.19 trillion) to unlimited buying of
bonds to stave off an economic and financial crisis on 23 March 2020.
The embrace of QE Infinity by the world's most powerful central bank is
a defining moment not only in this crisis but the history of central
banking; a testament to the severity of the collapse in activity
reverberating through the global economy and the financial system that
sustains it.
With political incompetence writ large by the failure of the US Congress to approve a $US1 trillion-plus stimulus plan,
Fed chairman Jerome Powell has stepped into the breach by signalling he
will literally throw everything he can at efforts to buffer the free
fall in the world's largest economy and prevent a global credit crunch.
But the historic commitment to unlimited quantitative easing – or
purchases of government bonds and mortgage-backed securities – means the
Fed has tacitly acknowledged that its efforts so far have not been
enough. Far from it.
That the Fed went from unveiling $US700 billion ($1.19 trillion) in QE
after an emergency Sunday meeting on March 15 to eight days later
unveiling unlimited purchases to quell volatility in a malfunctioning US
Treasuries market underscores the pace of a crisis that policymakers
are struggling to catch up with and contain.
Reflect on these numbers. Of the $US500 billion in Treasury purchases
announced on March 15, the Fed had spent $US272 billion by last Friday.
Of the $US200 billion pledged in mortgage-backed securities purchases,
it had bought $US68 billion.
At the rate of cash burn, QE Infinity seems like the only logical choice.
If the wisdom of the crowds is any measure, then Wall Street's 3 per
cent overnight decline that brought the S&P 500 Index's fall from
its peak to 34 per cent graphically illustrates the depth of worry about
policymakers' ability to soften the blow from a crisis that looms as
far more severe than the GFC.

Lessons learnt from the GFC? Zero.
The Term Asset-Backed Securities Facility is back after starring in the
GFC, as the Fed seeks to keep the flow of credit running to businesses
and consumers by buying debt like student loans and car loans.
Large employers also get to make their claim on the world's biggest
balance sheet through the Primary Market Corporate Credit Facility and
the Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facility.
Arguably the smartest move is the helping hand given to state and local
governments through the establishment of a number of funding programs.
Why is this important? Because state government expenditures made up
more than 40 per cent of government spending in 2019, which in turn
accounted for more than a third of GDP.
State and local governments are also at the front line of the fight against the coronavirus and will need additional funds.
Infinity has its limits
The embrace of QE Infinity is clearly a groundbreaking move. But is QE Infinity limitless in reality? No quite.
Analysis done last week by Bank of America Securities shows the Fed could spend up to $US8 trillion.
The bank says the Fed holds 15 per cent of marketable US debt excluding
bills, noting that it holds a large portion of debt with maturities of
between 15 years and 22 years.
Noting the Fed's 70 per cent limit on holding each issue leads Bank of
America to conclude $US8 trillion is the potential upside number.
However, the Fed is limited to $US1.5 trillion in US Treasuries with a maturity of 15 years or more.
At this point, the Fed has committed to not buy government debt in the primary market.
That means it won't buy debt freshly issued by the US Treasury, of which
there is a likely tsunami coming given the big ticket stimulus set to
flow through the economy once Congress gets its act together for the
sake of avoiding an economic catastrophe.
But until that stimulus gets approved, the Fed is set to shoulder the
responsibility to support the faltering US economy and a highly stressed
financial system by itself.
But the reality is that unconventional monetary policy can't do it
alone. The Fed can do a lot but it legally can't put money directly into
the pockets of Main Street.
Source: Financial Review 24 March 2020
Robert writes on companies and markets. He is a former New York and Shanghai correspondent, and has worked in Hong Kong. Email Robert at