Just sharing for study propose. No call buy, Take your own risk in investment ><"
Update Top Points 1 and 2 together for easy compare each other.
*Yellow colour = Selected both TP1 and TP2.
For TP1 Totals 18 stocks and 13 YoY increase (72.2%)
TP2 20 stocks updated new results and 14 (70%) YoY inprove.
TP1 use 7 years data to find more consistent profit gain and div improve share.
TP2 use 3 years to find new share and U turn share.
I try to only take stock with selected both method and results as below:
Totals 13 and 10 YoY improve or 76.9% ^^V.
Updated Points TP1 as below:
TP2 Points as below:
I will update new stock and reranking by next week. Need time to check due do it manually.
Conclusion and Suggestions:
This time show to YoY results for both TP1 and TP2, both use together get better results.
For trading just select high points, profit trend and technical chart to get buying and selling points. (buy low sell high =.=V)
If you want go for long term investment, that points system not enough to help us pick best stock. We need to study our self before invest.
Previous TP1 and TP2 link:
TP1 --> https://klse.i3investor.com/blogs/WahLau/2020-01-05-story-h1482032927-My_Top_Points_List_11_Jaycorp_7152_and_KGB_0151.jsp
TP2 --> https://klse.i3investor.com/blogs/WahLau/2019-12-14-story247817-TP2_List_8_TEOSENG_GCB_KGB_PTRANS_MBWORLD_BIMB_and_UNIMECH.jsp