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Singapore Investment


Trading Stock
Date/日期 : 27/2/2020 (Thursday)
Mtag (0213)
Price/现价           : 50sen
Target price/目标价: 56.5sen/58.5sen
Cut loss/止损价    : 48.5sen
Sector/领域: EMS, Face mask
Validation: Strong potential bullish breakout
• The share price has been positive divergence with the money inflow index indicator (MFI). While the share price tested high but closed flat in the last five days, the MFI, on contrast, in an uptrend. 
• It means the operators/syndicate try to pull sellers out to sell the stock to them at low prices. In other words, the operators have been intensely accumulating the stock of late.
•  The MACD histogram is improving in positive territory with a high possibility to expand further. This indicates that the stock will likely to move higher and probably today or tomorrow.
• DMI+ has spiked and moved above both ADX and DMI-. It means buying momentum has already started. Given ADX is still at low of 16.5 and below DMI+, it indicates more upside in the share price. It will be considered overbought when it moves above DMI+ and reach 50+.

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