I believe GTRONIC will continue to do well in the near future, for a few reasons below.
GTRONIC’s business is a bit different than other outsourced semiconductor assembly and test (OSATs) in KLSE. It is niched to the area of sensors for smart devices.
I believe that now almost all of us are having at least one smart device with us at any given time, demand for sensors are actually relatively stable. I think in future when more aspects of our life is being digitalised, we will be even more dependent on smart devices.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) projected that economic growth in emerging markets, during 2019, will be faster (4.7 per cent) than developed markets (2.1 per cent). This will boost up demand for smart devices as middle class in emerging markets grow.
Apple launched iPhone 11 this year and it has achieve a good sales volume across the globe. The smart phone sales outlook is expected to be slightly more promising in 2020 as industry experts expect a 2.9% growth, fueled by 3.1% growth from Android and 2.0% from Apple.
The biggest attraction to me, is what has been highlighted in the 2018 Annual Report. It states that the company is embarking the growth in Internet of Things (IoT), which is the next big thing when 5G technology is launched in more countries. With IoT in play, demand for sensors will increase as they are the smart factors in devices that enable rapid connectivity and response to the changes around us. The company is at different stages of plans to mass produce certain new generation sensors. (There are a few snapshots of important points in the annual report for your reference.)
This will be the wow factor for an exciting time ahead for GTRONIC.
Learning is forever.
Written by
Rich Son Poor Son