I am 87 years old. Life is empty if I do nothing to pass the days. But life can be great and wonderful if I work unceasingly for the betterment of mankind.
Yesterday I posted my article “Important factors all investors must know”. Now I wish to write this piece to help those who are unable to make money from the stock market. This article should be very useful for those stubborn failures who refused to change their method of stock selection and those who have found a good stock, for example Dayang and sold them too quickly in spite of the fact that the price chart is supper bullish. Price chart cannot lie. In any case, if you have a poor track record, you must change your mindset.

Those who sold Dayang too early must realise their mistake and be bold enough to buy back at higher prices. Never sell any stock if the company continues to report increasing profit. Investors must bear in mind that some products are seasonal. For example, chocolate products enjoy better sale during Christmas and new year season. In the case of Dayang, it may be affected by the monsoon rain and it has reported lesser profit in 1st quarter which was EPS – 0.45 sen, 2nd quarter EPS was 5.7 sen and 3rd quarter was 11.1 sen. It is most likely its 4th quarter ending December will be more than the 3rd quarter as the company has improves its financial and technical position. However, investors must realise that it has been continuously raining in the last few months which has not affected Dayang’s profit growth. It has been reporting increasing profit. It looks like the weather patent has changed.
I will only sell Dayang if it reports 2 consecutive quarters of reducing profit. Even if it reports reduced profit for 1 quarter, I will not sell.
I have been searching in the last few months for another stock with similar profit growth prospect as Dayan in vain. I cannot find one!!!
My advice to those who have sold Dayang too early, to buy back even at higher prices than what they sold. Remember failure is only the opportunity to begin more intelligently to succeed.