1st artical refer https://klse.i3investor.com/blogs/WahLau/210925.jsp
Just sharing for study propose. No call buy, Take your own risk in investment ><"
Today I add 5 more Top points list. POHUAT, GKENT, FLBHD. CHINWELL and HLIND.
I add it due to high points, don't because I have those share.
*Updated MAGNI new quarter results and rank up from 3 to 2
*ALLIANZ rank drop to 8 due to 3 new comer have better score.
NO.5 POHUAT (7088)
-Strong cycle furniture share
-We can compare it with LIIHEN
NO.6 GKENT (3294)
-Uncertainty due to political issues
-Change to buy or sell?
NO.7 FLBHD (5197)
-Last quarter QoQ result no good
-DY and P/L (Imp) no good
-Super low PE
-Super high DY
NO.9 CHINWELL (5007)
-Last 3 quarters YoY improve but QoQ decrease
-Low ROE compare other
NO.10 HLIND (3301)
-High ROE
-Bad P/L improve
Remember ...
High points because good fundamental.
High points because strong cycle, we don't give it high price
High points because not goreng it
High points because future change bad
High points because fundamental improve
High points because political issue
High point ....
It just easy for me to find share. Hope it can help me find the high profit share =.=...
Thanks for reading and hope u like it.
Current rank and date adding.