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Singapore Investment


Hi guys,
Sunday is here again,
Today we will glean 4 Lessons from the Holy Bible about Investing or Life's Applications from Biblical Wisdom

See Proverbs 27:23 - 27
23Be diligent to know the state of your flocks, and look well to your herds.
24For riches are not forever: and does the crown endure to every generation?
25The hay appears, and the tender grass shows itself, and herbs of the mountains are gathered.
26The lambs are for your clothing, and the goats are for the price of the field.
27And you shall have goats' milk enough for your food, for the food of your household, and for the maintenance for your maidservants.
Calvin comments:
The phrase "buy and forget" is wrong. As long as you have investments you have to carefully watch them. Though some are more stable and some are more fragile you have to monitor your investments
It says, 23Be diligent to know the state of your flocks, and look well to your herds.
You should be diligent to "know" the state of your flocks,
A shepherd must be diligent to "know" the condition of his sheep, its health and whether it has been well fed; any coming storm or any danger from wolves.
It says, "look well to your herds" that means to check carefully every investment. 
Answer : 24For riches are not forever: and does the crown endure to every generation?
Because riches are not for ever. See "Monopoly like MyEG will no longer be allowed"
And see how MyEG Insider starts selling 
Since they see ahead the permanent damage emanating from A New Govt in power they sell as they expect share price will go down later
Why change of Govt?
24For riches are not forever: and does the crown endure to every generation?
The crown refers to rulership or Govt in power.
25The hay appears, and the tender grass shows itself, and herbs of the mountains are gathered.
the tender grass appears - that means signs of growth...Go where there is growth --- where there is rain & moisture there will be growth... where there is drought there is no growth
This month in Johor the weather is very hot. No rain. So the grass is dried up. But when rain arrives they will grow again.
Now for some years due to very weak oil prices many Oil & Gas entities were suffering losses. Some survided. Others struggled. Still others too late to be salvaged even if they might get fresh jobs from Petronas
For those that went through those bleak years with balance sheet healthy & intact - Now is the time for new found prosperity.
So tender grass appears or share prices moved up.
Now since Oil & Gas is a cyclical industry just like Cement & Steel  we  cannot invest for ever. We must take profit at peak prices
and herbs of the mountains are gathered.
We must sell into strength & gather in the profits
26The lambs are for your clothing, and the goats are for the price of the field.
27And you shall have goats' milk enough for your food, for the food of your household, and for the maintenance for your maidservants.

John 6:12

“When they were filled, he said unto his disciples, Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost.

The story was about Jesus' miracle of  feeding 5 thousand people with just 5 loaves of bread with 2 fishes"

After 5,000 people have eaten to their full there were lots of leftover bread fragments. Jesus told his twelve disciples to collect these extra food going to waste.
And they gathered up 12 basket full of bread fragments.
This tells us not to waste food or resources

Sadly, it is not an exaggeration to say that food waste is one of the biggest problems facing mankind today. Here’s why:



A chronic market failure

Between 33-50% of all food produced globally is never eaten, and the value of this wasted food is worth over $1 trillion. To put that in perspective, in the USA food waste represents 1.3% of the total GDP. Food waste is a massive market inefficiency, the kind of which does not persist in other industries.
In the UK the average family throws away 22% of their weekly shop, which is worth £700 per year. In the US, the per-family equivalent is worth a staggering $2,275 each year!
Calvin always order sufficient food & try to have zero wastage!
This is God's command not to waste God's precious resources. When I stay in the hotel I do not waste water. And also conserve energy. This has been a habit for life.
And when I see others doing it I feel happy. More so when I see them in Companies
A Company like TMakmur took the trouble to rear anilmals like cows/goats in their Oil Palm Plantations. They showed diligence and an atitute of hardwork. TMakmur was taken private by the Pahang Royalty for being so profitable. 
I am happy to see the same diligence in TDM. Trengganu people also don't waste. They make fertizer out of Palm waste. This is a virtue.
I got a very interesting lesson from reading Reminiscences of a Stock Operator years back.
And I quote,
Investors are a different breed of cats. Most of them go in strong on inventories, and statistics of earnings and all sorts of mathemathical data, as though that meant facts and certainties. The human factor is minimised as a rule. Very few like to buy into a one-man business. But the wisest investor I ever knew was a man who began by being a Pennsylvania Dutchman and followed it up by coming to Wall Street and seeing a great deal of Russell Sage.
He was a great investigator, an indefatigable Missourian.
He believed in asking his own questions and in doing his seeing with his own eyes. He had no use for another man's spectacles. This was years ago. It seems he held quite a little Atchison. Presently he began to hear disquieting reports about the company and its management. He was told that Mr. Reinhart, the president, instead of being the marvel he was credited with being, in reality was a most extravagant manager whose recklessness was fast pushing the company into a mess. There would be the deuce to pay on the inevitable day of reckoning.
This was precisely the kind of news that was as the breath of life to the Pennsylvania Dutchman. He hurried over to Boston to interview Mr. Reinhart and ask him a few questions. The questions consisted of repeating the accusations he had heard and then asking the president of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad if they were true. Mr. Reinhart not only denied the allegations emphatically but said even more: He proceeded to prove by figures that the allegators were malicious liars. The Pennsylvania Dutchman had asked for exact information and the president gave it to him, showing him what the company was doing and how it stood financially, to a cent. The Pennsylvania Dutchman thanked President Reinhart, returned to New York and promptly sold all his Atchison holdings. A week or so later he used his idle funds to buy a big lot of Delaware, Lackawanna & Western.
Years afterward we were talking of lucky swaps and he cited his own case. He explained what prompted him to make it. "You see," he said, "I noticed that President Reinhart, when he wrote down figures, took sheets of letter paper from a pigeonhole in his mahogany roll-top desk. It was fine heavy linen paper with beautifully engraved letterheads in two colors. It was not only very expensive but worse it was unnecessarily expensive. He would write a few figures on a sheet to show me exactly what the company was earning on certain divisions or to prove how they were cutting down expenses or reducing operating costs, and then he would crumple up the sheet of the expensive paper and throw it in the waste-basket.
Pretty soon he would want to impress me with the economies they were introducing and he would reach for a fresh sheet of the beautiful notepaper with the engraved letterheads in two colors. A few figures and bingo, into the waste-basket! More money wasted without a thought. It struck me that if the president was that kind of a man he would scarcely be likely to insist upon having or rewarding economical assistants. I therefore decided to believe the people who had told me the management was extravagant instead of accepting the president's version and I sold what Atchison stock I held.
"It so happened that I had occasion to go to the offices of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western a few days later. Old Sam Sloan was the president. His office was the nearest to the entrance and his door was wide open. It was always open. Nobody could walk into the general offices of the D. L. & W. in those days and not see the president of the company seated at his desk. Any man could walk in and do business with him right off, if he had any business to do.
The financial reporters used to tell me that they never had to beat about the bush with old Sam Sloan, but would ask their questions and get a straight yes or no from him, no matter what the stock-market exigencies of the other directors might be. "When I walked in I saw the old man was busy. I thought at first that he was opening his mail, but after I got inside close to the desk I saw what he was doing. I learned afterwards that it was his daily custom to do it. After the mail was sorted and opened, instead of throwing away the empty envelopes he had them gathered up and taken to his office.
In his leisure moments he would rip the envelope all around. That gave him two bits of paper, each with one clean blank side. He would pile these up and then he would have them distributed about, to be used in lieu of scratch pads for such figuring as Reinhart had done for me on engraved notepaper. No waste of empty envelopes and no waste of the president's idle moments. Everything utilised. "
"It struck me that if that was the kind of man the D. L. & W. had for president, the company was managed economically in all departments. The president would see to that! Of course I knew the company was paying regular dividends and had a good property. I bought all the D. L. & W. stock I could. Since that time the capital stock has been doubled and quadrupled. My annual dividends amount to as much as my original investment.
I still have my D. L. & W. And Atchison went into the hands of a receiver a few months after I saw the president throwing sheet after sheet of linen paper with engraved letterheads in two colors into the waste-basket to prove to me with figures that he was not extravagant."
And the beauty of that story is that it is true and that no other stock that the Pennsylvania Dutchman could have bought would have proved to be so good an investment as D. L. & W
Calvin continues,
From the above we can see the Difference Betwen A Wastral Manager & A Frugal Manager
A wastral who cares nothing about cost will print lots of colorful photos in Annual Report, buy the most extravagant Office for display, drive the most expensive car & go play golf
A frugal manager will try to economise for his company by conscientious spending every dollar for maximum value. No wasting of resources & be willing to soil his hand to add value for Company's best interest
See Calvin saw this in Carimin when it was 39 sen
(((This shows that CARIMIN BOSSES are on the look out for opportunities & not afraid of dirty work hands on.
This was what happened to Muda who recycled waste paper & rubbish.
In these bad times many O& G are going kaput & turned belly up! So there is opportunity to make money in cannibalising & salvaging leftover for sale.
This kind of Value Add Management is rare.
Example is TMakmur willing to rear animals for sale in its plantations (TMakmur later taken private!)
Another one is Scientex. Scientex not only build houses. They also do the dirty manual work of making their own cement bricks to save cost. By cutting cost Scientex is able to compete against all other Housing Developers in Johor!
CALVIN GIVES THUMBS UP!!!...Posted January 26th 2018 when Carimin was 39 sen (Now over 80 sen so don't chase Carimin https://klse.i3investor.com/blogs/www.eaglevisioninvest.com/145533.jsp
Same frugal way also found in TMakmur
See Calvin buy call on TMakmur at Rm1.38. TMakmur was taken private later
2) TMAKMUR Is Another Scientex.
Why so?
Scientex Bosses continually save cost, add value & add profit for share holders. In Tmn Scientex they build smaller houses and use cement bricks instead of clay bricks. Using cement bricks cut cost by half. To save more Scientex started manufacturing its own cement bricks. And profits of Scientex surged & share price exploded upward. Scientex is now almost touching Rm10.00. Too late to chase now.
For Tanah Makmur they are following the same path of Value Creation. From planting Oil Palms to Thriving Housing Estates in Kota Sas. A check with www.propertyguru.com.my/ shows that double storey semi detached houses in Kota Sas are selling at around Rm750,000. At only 52 cents psf land holding cost TMakmur will make obscene tonnes of money in its enterprise.
While excavating the Kota Sas Lands Company discovered the Hidden Store of Valuable Bauxide. In stead of Sand, soil or rocks that normally discarded and dumped away the discovery of Bauxide is a BONUS INDEED. Prosperity breeds prosperity on SUCH PROSPEROUS LANDS!
Both Palm Oil & Bauxide are Cash Crop & Cash Mining. So you can see the the FCF (Free Cash Flow) of TMakmur is a healthy 12%. Free Cash Flow enables TMakmur to give out a twice yearly dividend of 6 cents - making it 12 cents or 8.5% a year.
As profits exploded upward expect TMakmur to give even more dividend in future.
And More Than That!
Did you notice that TMakmur also buy and trade in Livestocks? Yes! on the vast tracts of Palm Oil plantations TMakmur Rear Livestcvks for sale.
WOW! TMAKMUR's Management like Scientex Bosses Are Adding Value To Every Area of Its Assets. Nothing Is Wasted.
And TMakmur's Bosses Are So Bullish On Company Prospects That They Are Buying & Buying   Millions of TMakmur Shares With their Own Money.
And Just as Insiders buying Carimin at 39 sen (Now Insiders selling Carimin above 80 sen (So be careful)
Just as Insiders buying TMakMur at Rm1.38 (Taken private at Rm1.90)


John 12:4-6 The Message (MSG)

Jesus Christ CEO the Founder of Christianity has a staff of 12 Apostles.
The treasurer called Judas was a thief in charge of the treasury (common funds)
How much money was stolen in 1MDB, Mara, FGV & Others?
How much cheating in China red-chip company like Xinquan, CSL, Maxwell & Others?
Investing in Companies with Leadership of Integrity is of Utmost Importance!!
A Company may do well and in a promising Industry. But if there is thievery then no matter how good it is doomed
Judas finally betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. About the price of a slave in those days. How come Judas was so blinded as to sell the Prince of Glory for so little? Thank God - God resurrected Jesus from the dead. All knowing God has plan B.
Now many are selling their souls for this temporal world
Jesus said

Mark 8:36 King James Version (KJV)

Calvin Tan Research

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