[YONG TAI BHD,Encore Melaka开始运营后,将在下一个财政年度为永大的收入作出重大贡献]
截至2018年3月31日止本季度,永大收入为3,384万令吉及PBT为432万令吉,而去年同期收入为1,330万令吉及PBT为94万令吉。与2017年第3季度相比,2018年第3季度的收入和税前利润大幅增加主要是由于2017年推出的开发项目(如Amber Cove,The Dawn和Terra Square)的额外收入和利润确认。 2017年第三季度,永大仅有一个开发项目,即The Apple,此前该联合经营安排有助于永大的财务业绩。上述新项目的总收入和利润贡献在短期内相对较低,因为它们仍处于发展的早期阶段。
Encore Melaka - 印象系列是中国以外的第一家剧院,以及东南亚第一家也是唯一一家360度旋转座位礼堂,预计将于2018年7月首映。Encore马六甲将于2018年7月开始运营,会是马六甲“印象之城”的成长催化剂。
永大已就Encore Melaka的100万张门票签订了拍卖协议,占每日2场演出的Encore Melaka年度容量约70%。预计Encore Melaka将于2018年7月开始运营后,将在下一个财政年度为永大的收入作出重大贡献。
于二零一八年二月十二日,永大将Apple 99 Development Sdn Bhd(「Apple 99」)的股权由42%增加至60%,以使永大能够从Apple项目的总发展值中巩固60%的利润份额。至于2017年在“Impression City”, Melaka内开展的所有开发项目即Amber Cove,The Dawn和Terra Square,所有这些项目都已根据实施时间表开始开发。这些项目取得了值得称道的购买率,并将在进入发展的后期阶段时开始为集团的财务业绩做出贡献。永大已成立10亿令吉的sukuk计划,为期20年,为马六甲“印象之城”的未来发展提供资金。 sukuk计划将使永大进一步利用以实现其最佳资本结构。
我希望将我的策略分享给读者,希望他们在阅读后能够表现出色。我正在使用基本面分析(Fundamental Analysis):
预计公司每年的增长率必须> 14%
我为想从马来西亚股票市场赚钱的读者提供STOCK PICK服务。想订阅我的邮件以从股票市场获取良好回报的人,可以通过 jamesngshare@gmail.com 或我的FB页面 https://web.facebook.com/jamesshareinvest/ 与我联系
James Ng
The Group recorded revenue of RM33.84 million and PBT of RM4.32 million for the current quarter ended 31 March 2018 as compared to revenue of RM13.30 million and PBT of RM0.94 million in the preceding year quarter. Significant increase in revenue and profit before tax in 3Q 2018 as compared to 3Q 2017 was mainly contributed by additional revenue and profit recognition from development projects launched in year 2017, such as Amber Cove, The Dawn and Terra Square. Whereas in 3Q 2017, the Group only have one development project, i.e. The Apple, which was previously under joint operation arrangement that contributed to the Group’s financial results. Overall revenue and profit contribution from the above new projects are relatively low in the short term given that they are still at their early stage of development.
During the financial period to-date, the Group achieved a PBT of RM14.74 million on the back of RM101.83 million in revenue, which is 10.84 million and RM81.45 million higher than the PBT and revenue achieved in the preceding period.
Encore Melaka – Impression series first theatre outside of China and the first and only 360-degrees rotating seats auditorium in Southeast Asia is scheduled to have its premiere in July 2018. The commencement of operations of Encore Melaka in July 2018 will be the catalyst for the growth of “Impression City”, Melaka.
The Group had secured off-take agreements for 1 million tickets for Encore Melaka, representing about 70% occupancy of Encore Melaka’s annual capacity based on 2 shows per day. Encore Melaka is expected to contribute significantly to the revenue of the Group in the next financial year when Encore Melaka commences operations in July 2018.
On 12 February 2018, the Group increased its stake in Apple 99 Development Sdn Bhd (“Apple 99”) from 42% to 60% to enable the Group to consolidate 60% share of profits from the Apple project’s gross development value. As for all the development projects launched within the “Impression City”, Melaka in year 2017, namely Amber Cove, The Dawn and Terra Square, all these projects have commenced development in accordance to the implementation schedule. These projects have achieved a commendable take up rate and would begin contributing to the Group’s financial results as and when they move into advanced stage of development. The Group has established a RM1 billion sukuk programme with a tenure of 20 years to finance the future development of “Impression City”, Melaka. The sukuk programme will enable the Group to further leverage to achieve its optimal capital structure.
I wish to share my strategy to readers, hope that they can perform well after reading this. I am using Fundamental Analysis:
the forecasted growth of a company must > 14% per year
I wish to convince readers to learn FA in order to make money from stock market.
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Final decision is always yours, thank you.
James Ng