Green Ocean Corp - 30 Jun 2018 Qtr Report
Profit turnaround
Have not study any further on this company but interestingly, the sentiment has improved. (Was just trying out the sentiment analysis tool. Machine doesn't lie :D)
This Qtr Sentiment Analysis "With the additional working capital raised from the private placement exercise and banking facilities for its palm kernel crushing production, the Group believes that it will be able to enhance its palm kernel crushing activities and trading activities so as to improve its revenue and profitability despite the current challenges faced in the commodities market. Nevertheless, the Group also continues to undertake initiative steps to explore and introduce new products, to trade in other palm oil products, and to explore other new business opportunities."
Prev Qtr Sentiment Analysis "The Group has raised additional working capital from the private placement exercise and banking facilities for its palm kernel crushing production. The Group had also recently entered into a tolling contract with Palm Oleo (Klang) Sdn Bhd for sale of crude palm kernel oil. The Group believes that with the additional working capital available, and the tolling contract, the Group will be able to enhance its palm kernel crushing activities and trading activities so as to improve its revenue and profitability in future. Nevertheless, the Group also continues to undertake initiative steps to explore and introduce new products, to trade in other palm oil products, and to explore other new business opportunities."
Profit turnaround

Have not study any further on this company but interestingly, the sentiment has improved. (Was just trying out the sentiment analysis tool. Machine doesn't lie :D)
This Qtr Sentiment Analysis "With the additional working capital raised from the private placement exercise and banking facilities for its palm kernel crushing production, the Group believes that it will be able to enhance its palm kernel crushing activities and trading activities so as to improve its revenue and profitability despite the current challenges faced in the commodities market. Nevertheless, the Group also continues to undertake initiative steps to explore and introduce new products, to trade in other palm oil products, and to explore other new business opportunities."

Prev Qtr Sentiment Analysis "The Group has raised additional working capital from the private placement exercise and banking facilities for its palm kernel crushing production. The Group had also recently entered into a tolling contract with Palm Oleo (Klang) Sdn Bhd for sale of crude palm kernel oil. The Group believes that with the additional working capital available, and the tolling contract, the Group will be able to enhance its palm kernel crushing activities and trading activities so as to improve its revenue and profitability in future. Nevertheless, the Group also continues to undertake initiative steps to explore and introduce new products, to trade in other palm oil products, and to explore other new business opportunities."

This is not a buy or sell call.
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