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Singapore Investment


 [BINTULU PORT HOLDINGS BHD,液化天然气货物和船舶的处理量将会降低,总体支出将增加]


Q1 2018的特许权基础设施建设服务收入为520万令吉,而Q1 2017则是3,611万令吉。特许经营的相应建筑成本亦已确认。这些主要涉及港口在Samalaju工业港的基础设施和设备。


2018年第一季度的税前利润为4588万令吉,低于上一季度的5349万令吉。民都鲁港口的营业收入较2017年第四季度的1.8627亿令吉减少至2018年第一季的1.6716亿令吉,减少1,911万令吉。于2018年第一季度在民都鲁港口处理货物及船舶的收入贡献为1.3231亿令吉,而2017年第四季度是1.5167亿令吉。来自散货服务的收入从2017年第四季度的1,116万令吉略微降低84万令吉,至2018年第一季度的1,032万令吉。营业收入减少主要是由于较少的船舶为了LNG货物而来港口。 2018年第一季度确认的特许经营基础设施建设服务收入为520万令吉,而2017年第四季度为4620万令吉。相应的建设成本也得到了承认。

由于液化天然气量意外下降,预计2018年液化天然气货物和船舶的处理量将会降低。 SIPSB已从2017年6月开始第一阶段运营,随着全面运营,预计总体支出将增加,这将对民都鲁港口2018年的整体表现产生下降影响。
我希望将我的策略分享给读者,希望他们在阅读后能够表现出色。我正在使用基本面分析(Fundamental Analysis):

预计公司每年的增长率必须> 14%


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James Ng
[BINTULU PORT HOLDINGS BHD, the handling of LNG cargoes and vessel calls is expected to be lower, overall expenditure is expected to increase]

The Group registered a profit before taxation amounting to RM45.88 million in the current quarter against RM67.98 million achieved in the preceding year corresponding quarter. Bintulu Port recorded revenue of RM132.31 million in Q1 2018 compared to RM148.56 million achieved in Q1 2017. The lower revenue recorded of RM16.25 million is mainly due to lower revenue generated for handling of LNG and Palm Oil.

Revenue from construction services for concession infrastructure of RM5.25 million was recognized in Q1 2018 as against RM36.11 million in Q1 2017. The corresponding cost of construction for concession were also recognized for the quarters under review. These relate mainly to the port’s infrastructures and equipment at Samalaju Industrial Port.

The expenditure during the quarter under review of RM126.74 million is higher by RM27.29 million compared to Q1 2017 of RM99.45 million. During the quarter under review SIPSB has recognised expenditure relating to amortisation of leased concession assets, amortisation of other concession infrastructures and equipment as well as finance cost relating to the SUKUK since the start of full operation in June 2017.

The pre-tax profit for the first quarter of 2018 amounting to RM45.88 million is lower compared to RM53.49 million achieved in the preceding quarter. The Group’s operating revenue is lower by RM19.11 million from RM186.27 million achieved in Q4 2017 to RM167.16 million in Q1 2018. Revenue contribution from the handling of cargoes and vessel calls at Bintulu Port in Q1 2018 is RM132.31 million as against RM151.67 million in Q4 2017. The revenue from the bulking services is slightly lower by RM0.84 million from RM11.16 million in Q4 2017 to RM10.32 million in Q1 2018. The lower operating revenue recorded is mainly due to less number of vessels calling the port for LNG cargoes. Revenue from construction services on concession infrastructure recognized in Q1 2018 is RM5.25 million whilst in Q4 2017 was RM46.20 million. The corresponding cost of construction were also recognized.

The handling of LNG cargoes and vessel calls is expected to be lower in 2018 due to an unexpected drop in LNG volume. SIPSB has commenced Phase 1 operation from June 2017 and with this full operation, the overall expenditure is expected to increase and this will give a downward impact to the overall performance of the Group in 2018.
I wish to share my strategy to readers, hope that they can perform well after reading this. I am using Fundamental Analysis:

the forecasted growth of a company must > 14% per year

I wish to convince readers to learn FA in order to make money from stock market.

I am providing STOCK PICK SERVICE for readers who want to make money from Malaysian stock market. Those who want to subscribe to my mailing list to achieve a good return from stock market, you can contact me at jamesngshare@gmail.com or PM me in my FB page https://web.facebook.com/jamesshareinvest/

Final decision is always yours, thank you.

James Ng

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