对的,没有错,隔夜的美国股市出现大大大大的调整, DJ 下跌 665.75 points 或 - 2.54%,而 Nasdaq 则跟随下调的步伐,下跌 144.92 points,或 -1.96%。 下个星期一亚洲各大地区的股汇市场极大可能会气氛凝重,陷入恐慌的氛围也不一定。
也许这个时候就是考验投资者们的持股能力,应对短期股汇市场的利空,心态挣扎的紧张时刻啦。 希望投资者们可以一起勇敢面对来临中的严峻挑战,保持思想上的冷静,做出合适自己的决策,一起努力加油。这是一场修炼心态的良好机会,别放弃,一切都会过 去,把经历当经验,在未来会更加地得心应手。
话说回来,今天要跟大家探讨的是最近深受马币再一度硬起来的家私股 Hevea。除了 FOREX 之外,家私股也面对原料成本上扬,激烈的行业销价战,外劳短缺,外劳人头税等等看似利空的问题。
想要更加了解来龙去脉的朋友们,非常欢迎您们点击之前小弟分享过的 《马币再一次硬起来的冲击之家私股续集》作为参考的一部分。
最近的家私股再度出现回调的盘整,有投资者分享说这是“一把掉下来的刀子”,就看您有没有勇气去迎接 ”它“??毕竟已经回调不少,基本面又不错,手上现金多又净现金, Dividend yield(DY) > 5%,未来的拓展良好,外国市场需求高,非常吸引。
(1) 投资者的可投资资金 - 若可投资资金有限,趁家私股出现理想的回调,买进 > 5% DY,future PBT sustainable in question mark ,cost > opportunity ,huge potential drop in share price,失去其他上升趋势行业的投资(赢面比较大)??
Opinion: To maximize return,invest in up trending revenue/PBT company,sector to focus
(2) 投资者的持股能力 - 若可投资资金有限,持股能力一般,上升就买高,下跌就卖低,增加失去血汗钱的风险。
Opinion: To enhance holding ability,invest in up trending revenue/PBT company,sector to focus。Focus the games instead of score board。
(3) 投资者个人修炼 - 若可投资资金的闲钱无上限,持股能力超佳 3-5 years,> 5% DY is enough,当然可以趁回调拥抱,所谓:“慢慢来,比较快”。
Opinion: To train investing behavior,independent mindset,not easily influence by market reaction,trust yourself,be confident。
是机会还是危机其实就在一线之间,这就关系到以上这三点投资者的个人品质。这就是为什么同一家公司的投资,同一样的价格买进,会有多种不一样的结果。一种米吃出万中人 ,一场投资却诞生不一样的局面。

VIP by bluefun - bluefun's score Automated Template
VIP = Very Important Person
VIP = Value Investing Philosophy
有了 VIP by bluefun,人人都可以自行分析成为行家,发掘被低估的公司 (improvement in bluefun score),在股价合理时拥抱,享有 competitive advantages。
市场上除了 Fundamental Analysis & Technical Analysis,还有一个独创一格的 trending in FA ,也就是 VIP by bluefun, kikiki
有了 VIP,你绝对可以成为投资界的 VIP
走过路过千万不要错过, VIP by bluefun 已于 2017年11月11日光棍节 (星期六) 正式隆重登场投入服务。
VIP by bluefun:
(1) Covered of 870 companies in bursa
(3) 1 button to click & load bluefun's score (5FY+ 7Q + TTM)
(4) Incoming quarterly result + annual report will be auto updated within 1-2weeks after company release in bursa
(5) Trending of bluefun's score & share price
(6) Use the past performance result to discover potential company, to predict future value trending
(7) Annual subscription fee on affordable & competitive
(8) Subscriber will entitled for trending case study in PDF format
(9) Additional feature in future ALL IS FREE
(10) FISHING SKILLS LEARNING instead of providing fish
Scoring system 以满分为 10分的标准,可用来分析趋势中的基本面 (trending in Fundamental Analysis) ,已让朋友们了解原来 improvement bluefun score(10 stock selection criteria),公司的价值也会有所反应哦。这就是为什么投资者愿意以这一个水平的股价买进投资那一家公司哦。 XD
bluefun'score criteria:
(1) ROIC - to identify strong & profitable company
(2) EV/EBT - to identify undervalued & cheap company
(3) Cash Yield - Cash flow management
(4) Dividend Yield - > ROI, < cost of invested capital
(5) CFFO - to determine efficiency in CFFO generation
(6) FCF - to determine efficiency in CFFO generation
(7) Net cash - < financial risk
(8) Trade Receivables - to determine efficiency in debt collection
(9) Growth EAT - to identify good earning visibility
(10) EBT margin - > margin
不忘初心,踏实前进 《bluefun 的基本面学习课程 Fundamental Analysis Course》
bluefun's Fundamental Analysis Course: (大功告成)
1. Introduction & Interpretation of Financial Statement & Annual Report
2. Financial Ratio Analysis
3. Magic Formula(ROIC, EBIT multiple,EY, CY)
4. Dividend
5. Free Cash Flow Analysis
6. Identify Real Growth Stock
7. Stock Selection : bluefun Score
8. Corporate Exercise(Share split, bonus issue, warrant, right issue)
Any queries please DM(direct message) or email to bluefun.fa@outlook.com
Greater improvement in bluefun’s score + future earning visibility + consistent future growth = value creation for investor = UP TRENDING in company share price
对的,没有错,隔夜的美国股市出现大大大大的调整, DJ 下跌 665.75 points 或 - 2.54%,而 Nasdaq 则跟随下调的步伐,下跌 144.92 points,或 -1.96%。 下个星期一亚洲各大地区的股汇市场极大可能会气氛凝重,陷入恐慌的氛围也不一定。
也许这个时候就是考验投资者们的持股能力,应对短期股汇市场的利空,心态挣扎的紧张时刻啦。 希望投资者们可以一起勇敢面对来临中的严峻挑战,保持思想上的冷静,做出合适自己的决策,一起努力加油。这是一场修炼心态的良好机会,别放弃,一切都会过 去,把经历当经验,在未来会更加地得心应手。
话说回来,今天要跟大家探讨的是最近深受马币再一度硬起来的家私股 Hevea。除了 FOREX 之外,家私股也面对原料成本上扬,激烈的行业销价战,外劳短缺,外劳人头税等等看似利空的问题。
想要更加了解来龙去脉的朋友们,非常欢迎您们点击之前小弟分享过的 《马币再一次硬起来的冲击之家私股续集》作为参考的一部分。
最近的家私股再度出现回调的盘整,有投资者分享说这是“一把掉下来的刀子”,就看您有没有勇气去迎接 ”它“??毕竟已经回调不少,基本面又不错,手上现金多又净现金, Dividend yield(DY) > 5%,未来的拓展良好,外国市场需求高,非常吸引。
(1) 投资者的可投资资金 - 若可投资资金有限,趁家私股出现理想的回调,买进 > 5% DY,future PBT sustainable in question mark ,cost > opportunity ,huge potential drop in share price,失去其他上升趋势行业的投资(赢面比较大)??
Opinion: To maximize return,invest in up trending revenue/PBT company,sector to focus
(2) 投资者的持股能力 - 若可投资资金有限,持股能力一般,上升就买高,下跌就卖低,增加失去血汗钱的风险。
Opinion: To enhance holding ability,invest in up trending revenue/PBT company,sector to focus。Focus the games instead of score board。
(3) 投资者个人修炼 - 若可投资资金的闲钱无上限,持股能力超佳 3-5 years,> 5% DY is enough,当然可以趁回调拥抱,所谓:“慢慢来,比较快”。
Opinion: To train investing behavior,independent mindset,not easily influence by market reaction,trust yourself,be confident。
是机会还是危机其实就在一线之间,这就关系到以上这三点投资者的个人品质。这就是为什么同一家公司的投资,同一样的价格买进,会有多种不一样的结果。一种米吃出万中人 ,一场投资却诞生不一样的局面。

VIP by bluefun - bluefun's score Automated Template
VIP = Very Important Person
VIP = Value Investing Philosophy
有了 VIP by bluefun,人人都可以自行分析成为行家,发掘被低估的公司 (improvement in bluefun score),在股价合理时拥抱,享有 competitive advantages。
市场上除了 Fundamental Analysis & Technical Analysis,还有一个独创一格的 trending in FA ,也就是 VIP by bluefun, kikiki
有了 VIP,你绝对可以成为投资界的 VIP
走过路过千万不要错过, VIP by bluefun 已于 2017年11月11日光棍节 (星期六) 正式隆重登场投入服务。
VIP by bluefun:
(1) Covered of 870 companies in bursa
(3) 1 button to click & load bluefun's score (5FY+ 7Q + TTM)
(4) Incoming quarterly result + annual report will be auto updated within 1-2weeks after company release in bursa
(5) Trending of bluefun's score & share price
(6) Use the past performance result to discover potential company, to predict future value trending
(7) Annual subscription fee on affordable & competitive
(8) Subscriber will entitled for trending case study in PDF format
(9) Additional feature in future ALL IS FREE
(10) FISHING SKILLS LEARNING instead of providing fish
Scoring system 以满分为 10分的标准,可用来分析趋势中的基本面 (trending in Fundamental Analysis) ,已让朋友们了解原来 improvement bluefun score(10 stock selection criteria),公司的价值也会有所反应哦。这就是为什么投资者愿意以这一个水平的股价买进投资那一家公司哦。 XD
bluefun'score criteria:
(1) ROIC - to identify strong & profitable company
(2) EV/EBT - to identify undervalued & cheap company
(3) Cash Yield - Cash flow management
(4) Dividend Yield - > ROI, < cost of invested capital
(5) CFFO - to determine efficiency in CFFO generation
(6) FCF - to determine efficiency in CFFO generation
(7) Net cash - < financial risk
(8) Trade Receivables - to determine efficiency in debt collection
(9) Growth EAT - to identify good earning visibility
(10) EBT margin - > margin
不忘初心,踏实前进 《bluefun 的基本面学习课程 Fundamental Analysis Course》
bluefun's Fundamental Analysis Course: (大功告成)
1. Introduction & Interpretation of Financial Statement & Annual Report
2. Financial Ratio Analysis
3. Magic Formula(ROIC, EBIT multiple,EY, CY)
4. Dividend
5. Free Cash Flow Analysis
6. Identify Real Growth Stock
7. Stock Selection : bluefun Score
8. Corporate Exercise(Share split, bonus issue, warrant, right issue)
Any queries please DM(direct message) or email to bluefun.fa@outlook.com
Greater improvement in bluefun’s score + future earning visibility + consistent future growth = value creation for investor = UP TRENDING in company share price
Fb page
P/S: This article is just for education & discussion purpose,this is not a buy call, sell call or hold call. Please trade at your own risk。