2017年12月29日 -
Bhd)大股东兼执行董事拿督斯里张吉平(Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen)又在富达公司(Protasco
Bhd)突然宣布重要人事调整,把财务董事何春发/何进发(译名)(Ho Chun Fuat)升格为财务总监(Chief Finance
何春发(Ho Chun Fuat)是谁?根据股票交易所报告,何春发“2014年”是富达公司的“财务董事”,2012年8月之前是马联工业(Malayan United Industries Berhad (MUI))的财务总监。市场恍然何春发简历特意被整理的部分隐瞒动作可疑。如果报道属实,那么2012年8月-2014年期间,何春发在哪里呢?在干什 么呢?市场匪夷所思。

富达公司续2014年“突然公仆变身富达公司大股东”的拿督斯里张吉平闪亮登场后,又一个2014年突然“出师”的财务总监,简历巧合都“避开2012年 -2014年”神秘又尴尬的岁月,好像特意隐瞒自己涉及这段神秘又富争议性黑暗期间的“真实身份”。为什么呢?难道他们的“所得”见不得光?看看富达公司 内部人士透露怎么说。
何春发在2012年11月被PM Securities交易顾问Mr Paul 介绍给富达公司新东主拿督郑博毅先生(Tey Por Yee) 和拿督黄国安先生 (Ooi kock Aun),代表并效忠郑先生和黄先生等手握控制性股权的新富达公司投资者委托,以财务总监身份“进驻监管”富达公司财务。黄国安先生被张吉平游说借口委任 为富达公司非执行董事后,连同2位黄先生推荐的非执行董事,何春发向富达公司新东主的内部报道显得格外重要。任何投资者收购一家企业后,必定委任自己信任 的财务总监,以达到监管效果(governance)。那么2012年-2014年间尴尬的“特意被抹杀年代”究竟发生了什么事,令这位何春发先生“卖主 求荣”后等待5年才被张吉平挂名财务总监呢?期间张吉平干了什么事情,何春发又为何没有给富达公司当时的东主郑先生和黄先生如实报告,反而被张吉平收买狼 狈为奸,导致后来2014年富达公司的“唯一执行董事”张吉平酝酿抢夺富达公司董事部,时机成熟后以假公济私,忘恩负义和恩将仇报方式非法夺权,把富达公 司占为己有?何春发都是关键人物。
富达公司内部消息透露,2012年-2014年张吉平收买并利用何春发暗中行事策划夺权计划,莫名其妙向富达公司东主郑先生和黄先生嫁祸陷害,特意隐瞒拖 挺并导致后来富达公司管理不当把当年印尼油汽项目搞砸了,把张吉平合约承诺合法交易“非法化”,再顺理成章嫁祸于人。期间指示何春发策划到印尼收买人心, 含血喷人制造假证据以达到报假案陷害目的,如今证明那尴尬的2012年-2014年其实是被策划出来的谎言。何春发无间道风云功不可没,神秘面纱和叛徒身 份岂能写入简历!
何春发是“卧薪尝胆”还是“卖主求荣”,总算拿督斯里张吉平在何先生有生之年50岁大寿给他挂了个牌号,表示2012年-2014年“共匪起义5周年纪 念”秘密庆祝和奖励。可能张吉平心血来潮还会效仿给儿子张得能(Chong Ther Nen)和另一个黄先生委任的叛徒陈一文(Tan Yee Boon)买个拿督宣章以示表扬。成王败寇,张吉平等同党骗回来的富达公司,等待法律真正平反可能共匪早已把富达公司贼赃分割完毕。如今富达公司在张吉平 的控制下,张吉平为所欲为。张吉平姜老的辣,演技一流,执法当局也无能为力。只要好好把何春发养着,张吉平秘密就会被掩盖,富贵荣华何春发必然不会少一 份。何春发发财了!
但是那段2012年-2014年尴尬和“争议性的夺权把戏”如今证明可能涉及非法夺权,利用执法机关假公济私,还欺骗法庭,属于欺骗手段。张吉平等共匪拿 的分的可能都属于非法所得,何春发还舍身“制造假证据”再“报假案”,把张吉平合约合法交易“非法化”,达到扭曲事实误导媒体效果,再利用老奸巨猾的董事 部游说富达公司股东让张吉平诡计得逞,如此羞耻的过去如何掩盖呢?往后证明张吉平为了钱干了伤天害理的勾当,何春发一路功不可没。保住何春发,张吉平的可 疑非法勾当就得以保密。
何春发的背叛令张吉平小人得逞摇身一变成为金牌公仆,自己给自己起薪翻倍,连同割脉式猛发股息炒到年入马币千万,比马来亚银行首席执行董事还要高。 2014年-2017年张吉平分贼赃分了多少,有记录的明拿了马币5千万,暗地里刮了多少,见仁见智。何春发帮凶身份,在2012年-2014年属于“头 号嫌疑人物”,下命令的是谁,可能还是“金牌证人”呢。坐牢和求荣之间,何春发会为主顶罪吗?张吉平按着良心恩将仇报都干了,什么事情不可能?
所以何春发对张吉平来说,是“又爱又恨”,又不能灭口,只好“养着”。富达公司财务总监,实至名归。至于富达公司的小股东就节哀顺变吧。富达公司不但成为 张吉平夫子公司,还有一般汉奸走狗养着,想看到前东主(敦)时代的“独立审查”,除非执法当局时机成熟,短期间是不可能的。
29 December 2017 - Bursa Malaysia last day of trading for the year 2017 saw controversial "Richie Rich" Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen, the Executive Director and substantial shareholder of Protasco Bhd announcing changes in the board of director as well as re-assignment of key management. Notably, the changes of Finance Director Ho Chun Fuat, to the post of Chief Finance Officer (CFO).
Who is Ho Chun Fuat? According to Bursa Malaysia announcement, Ho Chun Fuat was, (No.1) Director Corporate Finance, Protasco Berhad, 2014, and earlier (No.2) Chief Financial Officer, Malayan United Industries Berhad (MUI), August 2012, etc. The market was surprised why Ho Chun Fuat's resume has a missing period from August 2012 - the year 2014. Where was Ho Chun Fuat during the period? What was he doing?

The year 2012 - 2014, Ho's special status cover-up is a must?
In the year 2014, Protasco Bhd sudden emerges of civil servant turns substantial shareholder, Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen, took market by surprise; the last day of the year 2017 sudden appointment of Ho Chun Fuat as CFO, which purposely omitted pre-year 2014 history, is actually surfacing the evidence of Ho Chun Fuat's real identity. Why the omission of the year 2012 - 2014 from Ho's resume? Was there any questionable activities going on inside Protasco Bhd involved Ho Chun Fuat? Let's see what Protasco Bhd insider has to say about the "forgotten period".
On November 2012, Ho Chun Fuat was referred by Mr. Paul from PM Securities to Dato Tey Por Yee and Dato Ooi Kock Aun, to represent the group of new Protasco Bhd controlling shareowners to be there eyes and ears in protecting new owners interest. As part of the governance for any investors in the acquisition of controlling shares in a public listed company, the new owners will appoint their own financial controller as part of the main terms. Dato Ooi Kock Aun was told induced by Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen to not exercise his shareholder right as an executive director, instead, to remain "non-executive", together with 2 other independent directors nominated by Dato Ooi Kock Aun, while Ho Chun Fuat would be the only communication channel between Protasco Bhd new controlling shareowners.
So what happened during the year of 2012 - 2014, when Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen is the "only executive director" of Protasco Bhd? Why Ho Chun Fuat did not inform and discuss with Dato Ooi Kock Aun and his investors, and what caused Ho Chun Fuat to be pursued by Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen to collude with him in planning a major cheating scheme which involved bribery, manufacturing fake evidence, and "illegalise" a legal transactions with Indonesia oil vendors, in order to fabricate a blame to character assassinate Protasco Bhd defector controlling shareowners, by influencing other shareholders to vote on Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen favour. The drama and blame game was further used in spreading lies in the authorities, and Ho Chun Fuat reported polis, as well as used the false information to cause authorities to abuse their power to cause harm and damages to the Protasco Bhd defector controlling shareowners. Such false documents were further used in court to keep Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen remain in his ill-gotten control in Protasco Bhd.
What took Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen 5 years to recognize Ho Chun Fuat's "hardship", where Ho risking his live and series of potential jail terms, vs benefits by believing in Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen's lies? Ho Chun Fuat who induced by his newfound master to bites the hand who feeds, with his hands full of sinful track record during the year 2012 - 2014, shall live and die with his secret together with Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen. The entire Protasco Bhd power fight was a well-planned robbery. Ho Chun Fuat is one of the key people who know the secret. The true lies which gave birth to Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen (ill-gotten) position and wealth.
The omission on purpose has actually conveniently surfaced the evidence of Ho Chun Fuat involvement and key witness in the potential crime scene.
Sold his Masters for Power & Money? What's in for Ho?
Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen, which "loves and hates" Ho Chun Fuat so much, he cannot burry away Ho Chun Fuat which is so obvious a "burden", nor fire Ho Chun Fuat as he held so much secret. On Ho Chun Fuat's 50th-year-old (the year 2018), Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen has to show his appreciation, although reluctantly. The long awaited "Chief Finance Officer" title looks deserving. Maybe Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen will nominate a Dato' title to Ho, just like what he gave to his son, Chong Ther Nen, and another traitor (a nominee to Dato Ooi Kock Aun), Tan Yee Boon. The best fraudster is also the best actor, with a poker face authorities can only watch and chase the shadows planted by the masters, but never catch them timely. Until certain authorities came to conclusion and act on the fraudsters, Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen secret is safe with Ho Chun Fuat. Even if the illegal stuff shoots off the roof, Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen and cronies would have taken what they want, and Ho Chun Fuat is there to take the blame.
Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen money looting in a rush was publicly announced in Bursa Malaysia, colluding with his board of directors to increase his "civil servant" business nature salary to the level even Maybank CEO pay package cannot match. Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen took himself over RM50 million during the year 2014-2017 in salary, dividend, and packages, excluding his team which colluded in the fraudulent act. Ho Chun Fuat might count one of the benefits to the ill-gotten proceeds.
However, when the time comes, the year 2012 - 2014 Protasco Bhd real cheating case involving fabricating of fake evidence, false polis reports, and inducement of authorities for self-gratification intention might not be a choice for Ho Chun Fuat to trade with Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen between Money and Jail. Will Ho Chun Fuat take the bullet? If the best cheater and liar can come so far, you might be surprised!
Watch Dog at sight, it's time to buy shares?
One piece of good news to the average Joe investors in Protasco Bhd is the potential ill-gotten money by Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen and his cronies might flow back to by Protasco Bhd share, in view of guilt and fear. Maybe with the officiate of Ho Chun Fuat being the loyal traitor, Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen can better focus on paying money out from Protasco Bhd (to his own pocket) and use the money to buy more Protasco Bhd shares. Ho Chun Fuat was just named CFO, maybe that is a bullish signal to buy Protasco Bhd?
Bursa Malaysia Missing Puzzle
- Surgical Analysis to pursue the real culprits
source: http://www.bursamalaysia.com/market/listed-companies/company-announcements/5651225
何春发(Ho Chun Fuat)是谁?根据股票交易所报告,何春发“2014年”是富达公司的“财务董事”,2012年8月之前是马联工业(Malayan United Industries Berhad (MUI))的财务总监。市场恍然何春发简历特意被整理的部分隐瞒动作可疑。如果报道属实,那么2012年8月-2014年期间,何春发在哪里呢?在干什 么呢?市场匪夷所思。

富达公司续2014年“突然公仆变身富达公司大股东”的拿督斯里张吉平闪亮登场后,又一个2014年突然“出师”的财务总监,简历巧合都“避开2012年 -2014年”神秘又尴尬的岁月,好像特意隐瞒自己涉及这段神秘又富争议性黑暗期间的“真实身份”。为什么呢?难道他们的“所得”见不得光?看看富达公司 内部人士透露怎么说。
何春发在2012年11月被PM Securities交易顾问Mr Paul 介绍给富达公司新东主拿督郑博毅先生(Tey Por Yee) 和拿督黄国安先生 (Ooi kock Aun),代表并效忠郑先生和黄先生等手握控制性股权的新富达公司投资者委托,以财务总监身份“进驻监管”富达公司财务。黄国安先生被张吉平游说借口委任 为富达公司非执行董事后,连同2位黄先生推荐的非执行董事,何春发向富达公司新东主的内部报道显得格外重要。任何投资者收购一家企业后,必定委任自己信任 的财务总监,以达到监管效果(governance)。那么2012年-2014年间尴尬的“特意被抹杀年代”究竟发生了什么事,令这位何春发先生“卖主 求荣”后等待5年才被张吉平挂名财务总监呢?期间张吉平干了什么事情,何春发又为何没有给富达公司当时的东主郑先生和黄先生如实报告,反而被张吉平收买狼 狈为奸,导致后来2014年富达公司的“唯一执行董事”张吉平酝酿抢夺富达公司董事部,时机成熟后以假公济私,忘恩负义和恩将仇报方式非法夺权,把富达公 司占为己有?何春发都是关键人物。
富达公司内部消息透露,2012年-2014年张吉平收买并利用何春发暗中行事策划夺权计划,莫名其妙向富达公司东主郑先生和黄先生嫁祸陷害,特意隐瞒拖 挺并导致后来富达公司管理不当把当年印尼油汽项目搞砸了,把张吉平合约承诺合法交易“非法化”,再顺理成章嫁祸于人。期间指示何春发策划到印尼收买人心, 含血喷人制造假证据以达到报假案陷害目的,如今证明那尴尬的2012年-2014年其实是被策划出来的谎言。何春发无间道风云功不可没,神秘面纱和叛徒身 份岂能写入简历!
何春发是“卧薪尝胆”还是“卖主求荣”,总算拿督斯里张吉平在何先生有生之年50岁大寿给他挂了个牌号,表示2012年-2014年“共匪起义5周年纪 念”秘密庆祝和奖励。可能张吉平心血来潮还会效仿给儿子张得能(Chong Ther Nen)和另一个黄先生委任的叛徒陈一文(Tan Yee Boon)买个拿督宣章以示表扬。成王败寇,张吉平等同党骗回来的富达公司,等待法律真正平反可能共匪早已把富达公司贼赃分割完毕。如今富达公司在张吉平 的控制下,张吉平为所欲为。张吉平姜老的辣,演技一流,执法当局也无能为力。只要好好把何春发养着,张吉平秘密就会被掩盖,富贵荣华何春发必然不会少一 份。何春发发财了!
但是那段2012年-2014年尴尬和“争议性的夺权把戏”如今证明可能涉及非法夺权,利用执法机关假公济私,还欺骗法庭,属于欺骗手段。张吉平等共匪拿 的分的可能都属于非法所得,何春发还舍身“制造假证据”再“报假案”,把张吉平合约合法交易“非法化”,达到扭曲事实误导媒体效果,再利用老奸巨猾的董事 部游说富达公司股东让张吉平诡计得逞,如此羞耻的过去如何掩盖呢?往后证明张吉平为了钱干了伤天害理的勾当,何春发一路功不可没。保住何春发,张吉平的可 疑非法勾当就得以保密。
何春发的背叛令张吉平小人得逞摇身一变成为金牌公仆,自己给自己起薪翻倍,连同割脉式猛发股息炒到年入马币千万,比马来亚银行首席执行董事还要高。 2014年-2017年张吉平分贼赃分了多少,有记录的明拿了马币5千万,暗地里刮了多少,见仁见智。何春发帮凶身份,在2012年-2014年属于“头 号嫌疑人物”,下命令的是谁,可能还是“金牌证人”呢。坐牢和求荣之间,何春发会为主顶罪吗?张吉平按着良心恩将仇报都干了,什么事情不可能?
所以何春发对张吉平来说,是“又爱又恨”,又不能灭口,只好“养着”。富达公司财务总监,实至名归。至于富达公司的小股东就节哀顺变吧。富达公司不但成为 张吉平夫子公司,还有一般汉奸走狗养着,想看到前东主(敦)时代的“独立审查”,除非执法当局时机成熟,短期间是不可能的。
29 December 2017 - Bursa Malaysia last day of trading for the year 2017 saw controversial "Richie Rich" Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen, the Executive Director and substantial shareholder of Protasco Bhd announcing changes in the board of director as well as re-assignment of key management. Notably, the changes of Finance Director Ho Chun Fuat, to the post of Chief Finance Officer (CFO).
Who is Ho Chun Fuat? According to Bursa Malaysia announcement, Ho Chun Fuat was, (No.1) Director Corporate Finance, Protasco Berhad, 2014, and earlier (No.2) Chief Financial Officer, Malayan United Industries Berhad (MUI), August 2012, etc. The market was surprised why Ho Chun Fuat's resume has a missing period from August 2012 - the year 2014. Where was Ho Chun Fuat during the period? What was he doing?

The year 2012 - 2014, Ho's special status cover-up is a must?
In the year 2014, Protasco Bhd sudden emerges of civil servant turns substantial shareholder, Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen, took market by surprise; the last day of the year 2017 sudden appointment of Ho Chun Fuat as CFO, which purposely omitted pre-year 2014 history, is actually surfacing the evidence of Ho Chun Fuat's real identity. Why the omission of the year 2012 - 2014 from Ho's resume? Was there any questionable activities going on inside Protasco Bhd involved Ho Chun Fuat? Let's see what Protasco Bhd insider has to say about the "forgotten period".
On November 2012, Ho Chun Fuat was referred by Mr. Paul from PM Securities to Dato Tey Por Yee and Dato Ooi Kock Aun, to represent the group of new Protasco Bhd controlling shareowners to be there eyes and ears in protecting new owners interest. As part of the governance for any investors in the acquisition of controlling shares in a public listed company, the new owners will appoint their own financial controller as part of the main terms. Dato Ooi Kock Aun was told induced by Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen to not exercise his shareholder right as an executive director, instead, to remain "non-executive", together with 2 other independent directors nominated by Dato Ooi Kock Aun, while Ho Chun Fuat would be the only communication channel between Protasco Bhd new controlling shareowners.
So what happened during the year of 2012 - 2014, when Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen is the "only executive director" of Protasco Bhd? Why Ho Chun Fuat did not inform and discuss with Dato Ooi Kock Aun and his investors, and what caused Ho Chun Fuat to be pursued by Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen to collude with him in planning a major cheating scheme which involved bribery, manufacturing fake evidence, and "illegalise" a legal transactions with Indonesia oil vendors, in order to fabricate a blame to character assassinate Protasco Bhd defector controlling shareowners, by influencing other shareholders to vote on Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen favour. The drama and blame game was further used in spreading lies in the authorities, and Ho Chun Fuat reported polis, as well as used the false information to cause authorities to abuse their power to cause harm and damages to the Protasco Bhd defector controlling shareowners. Such false documents were further used in court to keep Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen remain in his ill-gotten control in Protasco Bhd.
What took Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen 5 years to recognize Ho Chun Fuat's "hardship", where Ho risking his live and series of potential jail terms, vs benefits by believing in Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen's lies? Ho Chun Fuat who induced by his newfound master to bites the hand who feeds, with his hands full of sinful track record during the year 2012 - 2014, shall live and die with his secret together with Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen. The entire Protasco Bhd power fight was a well-planned robbery. Ho Chun Fuat is one of the key people who know the secret. The true lies which gave birth to Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen (ill-gotten) position and wealth.
The omission on purpose has actually conveniently surfaced the evidence of Ho Chun Fuat involvement and key witness in the potential crime scene.
Sold his Masters for Power & Money? What's in for Ho?
Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen, which "loves and hates" Ho Chun Fuat so much, he cannot burry away Ho Chun Fuat which is so obvious a "burden", nor fire Ho Chun Fuat as he held so much secret. On Ho Chun Fuat's 50th-year-old (the year 2018), Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen has to show his appreciation, although reluctantly. The long awaited "Chief Finance Officer" title looks deserving. Maybe Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen will nominate a Dato' title to Ho, just like what he gave to his son, Chong Ther Nen, and another traitor (a nominee to Dato Ooi Kock Aun), Tan Yee Boon. The best fraudster is also the best actor, with a poker face authorities can only watch and chase the shadows planted by the masters, but never catch them timely. Until certain authorities came to conclusion and act on the fraudsters, Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen secret is safe with Ho Chun Fuat. Even if the illegal stuff shoots off the roof, Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen and cronies would have taken what they want, and Ho Chun Fuat is there to take the blame.
Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen money looting in a rush was publicly announced in Bursa Malaysia, colluding with his board of directors to increase his "civil servant" business nature salary to the level even Maybank CEO pay package cannot match. Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen took himself over RM50 million during the year 2014-2017 in salary, dividend, and packages, excluding his team which colluded in the fraudulent act. Ho Chun Fuat might count one of the benefits to the ill-gotten proceeds.
However, when the time comes, the year 2012 - 2014 Protasco Bhd real cheating case involving fabricating of fake evidence, false polis reports, and inducement of authorities for self-gratification intention might not be a choice for Ho Chun Fuat to trade with Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen between Money and Jail. Will Ho Chun Fuat take the bullet? If the best cheater and liar can come so far, you might be surprised!
Watch Dog at sight, it's time to buy shares?
One piece of good news to the average Joe investors in Protasco Bhd is the potential ill-gotten money by Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen and his cronies might flow back to by Protasco Bhd share, in view of guilt and fear. Maybe with the officiate of Ho Chun Fuat being the loyal traitor, Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen can better focus on paying money out from Protasco Bhd (to his own pocket) and use the money to buy more Protasco Bhd shares. Ho Chun Fuat was just named CFO, maybe that is a bullish signal to buy Protasco Bhd?
Bursa Malaysia Missing Puzzle
- Surgical Analysis to pursue the real culprits
source: http://www.bursamalaysia.com/market/listed-companies/company-announcements/5651225
Change in Principal Officer
Date of change | 01 Jan 2018 |
Age | 50 |
Gender | Male |
Nationality | Malaysia |
Type of change | Appointment |
Designation | Chief Financial Officer |
Qualifications |
1) Chartered Accountant, Malaysian Institute of Accountants, 1993 2) Certified Public Accountant, Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountant, 1993 |
Working experience and occupation |
1) Director Corporate Finance, Protasco Berhad, 2014 2) Chief Financial Officer, Malayan United Industries Berhad (MUI), August 2012 3) Joint Company Secretary of MUI, MUI Properties Berhad, Pan Malaysian Industries Berhad, Metrojaya Berhad and MUI Continental Insurance Berhad (currently known as MUI Continental Berhad), December 2011 4) Group Financial Controller, Malayan United Industries Berhad, October 2011 5) Director, Finance and Corporate Strategy, Two-p Technology (M) Sdn Bhd, April 2010 6) Senior Manager, Corporate Finance, Bolton Berhad, December 2007 7) Group Accountant, Bolton Berhad (now known as Symphony House Berhad), February 2007 8) Advisor, Asia Telecommunication (M) Sdn Bhd, August 2006 9) Chief Financial Officer, Pan Pacific Asia Berhad, 2001 10) Group Financial Controller, Uniphoenix Corporation Berhad, 1998 11) Assistant General Manager, Corporate Finance, Uniphoenix Corporation Berhad, 1996 12) Senior Manager, Corporate Finance, Uniphoenix Corporation Berhad, 1995 13) Manager, Corporate System Planning, Uniphoenix Corporation Berhad, 1993 14) Audit Experience Senior, Hanafiah Raslan & Mohamed/ Arthur Andersen & Co, 1993 15) Audit Senior, Hanafiah Raslan & Mohamed/ Arthur Andersen & Co, 1991 16) Audit, Hanafiah Raslan & Mohamed/ Arthur Andersen & Co, 1987 |
Directorships in public companies and listed issuers (if any) |
Nil |
Family relationship with any director and/or major shareholder of the listed issuer |
Nil |
Any conflict of interests that he/she has with the listed issuer |
Nil |
Details of any interest in the securities of the listed issuer or its subsidiaries |
Nil |
Remarks : |
Mr. Ho Chun Fuat has been re-designated from Director Corporate Finance to Chief Financial Officer with effect from 1 January 2018. |
Announcement Info
Company Name | PROTASCO BERHAD |
Stock Name | PRTASCO |
Date Announced | 29 Dec 2017 |
Category | Change in Principal Officer |
Reference Number | C04-22122017-00002 |