- FPI is estimated to be the largest audio system parts manufacturer in Malaysia.
- FPI expects the music instrument components segment to be its key revenue driver.
- Technavio expects global musical insturments market to reach a value if US$18bn in 2021

《資匯》獨家專訪FPI 《2大因素前景看好 台灣聯友今年再尋突破》
4 Reasons to invest in FPI (Insider Asia)
Growth + Net Cash + Dividend = the DNA of FPI (Harry)
FPI core product's market size grow more than 24% CAGR by 2021 (Technavio)
FPI - Company Evaluation Report (赤資本 Cerise Capital)
FPI tuned in to upbeat musical instruments market (Focus Malaysia)

《資匯》獨家專訪FPI 《2大因素前景看好 台灣聯友今年再尋突破》
4 Reasons to invest in FPI (Insider Asia)
Growth + Net Cash + Dividend = the DNA of FPI (Harry)
FPI core product's market size grow more than 24% CAGR by 2021 (Technavio)
FPI - Company Evaluation Report (赤資本 Cerise Capital)
FPI tuned in to upbeat musical instruments market (Focus Malaysia)