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Singapore Investment


1. The Edge Financial Weekly reported on Hengyuan.  As many fund managers read this,  it will create demand for Hengyuan shares.

2. I can't find a better stock to buy after I sell Hengyuan. I try to find stocks with lower PE than Hengyuan 4x PE and I failed. I try to find stock with earnings growth more than 300% like Hengyuan and I failed.

3. Sometimes admitting mistake and reinvest is good. I was too eager to take profit previously at RM11 + even though I still believe the Target Price is RM15

4. Conclusion : short term target of RM15 now. and I reinvest my money back in HENGYUAN.

5. Vision 2020 for Hengyuan?  This means RM20 target price by year 2020.  PE 7x on RM2.85 in FY2020 for long term.

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