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Singapore Investment

現在的科技日新月異,  互聯網, 大數據的崛起勢必會改變各行各業未來的版圖. 
先回顧一下現在的旅遊SOP. a.) 自由行    1.) 設定目的地    2.) 蒐集相關的資料    3.)	規劃行程    4.)	訂購機票    5.)	預訂酒店    6.)	啟程    7.)	在地活動    8.)	回程, 返家
b.)  旅行社    1.)	設定目的地    2.)	找旅行社    3.)	啟程    4.)	在地活動    5.)	回程, 返家
兩相比較, 自由行縱有許多枝節, 但勝在時間可以自己掌控, 行程具有彈性, 成本又比較低廉; 而旅行社則會限制你的行程, 要求規律性的作息, 又偏貴, 旅遊品質也不由得你控制, 但相對來說會省卻許多手續與麻煩, 你只管繳錢就是.
那如果我告訴你, 未來你有第3個選項可以結合自由行和旅行社的所有優點呢?是這樣的, 首先, 你得登入一個網站.登入以後, 這個網站會有幾個模式讓你挑選.
如果你選取”自訂模式”, 那麼請先回答以下一系列的問題:   1.)	你的目的地? 逗留時段?   2.)	幾人同行?   3.)	需要幫你安排機票嗎?   4.)	需要幫你安排住宿嗎?   5.)	需要幫你安排交通工具嗎?    6.)	需要幫你安排在地活動嗎?   7.)	需要幫你安排導遊嗎? 
如果你選取”AI (Artificial Intelligence)模式”, 那又是另一系列的問題:   1.)	你的目的地? 逗留時段?   2.)	幾人同行?   3.)	你有甚麼忌諱的嗎?   4.)	你喜歡的旅遊主題是?   5.)	你的預算是多少?
當你輸入好答案, 然後付費,  其他的一切包括行程表, 地圖和行進路線, 都是網站幫你搞定. 你只需要備好行李跟護照, 在指定的時間地點出發就行.
當然, 無論是”自訂模式” 或是”AI模式”, 難免都會牽涉到一些子問題或選項. 不排除有人會厭惡整個填寫過程的冗長與麻煩.  如果你是這種人, 那也沒問題, 請選取第三種模式 ------ 搜尋, 再沿用前人訂製過的旅遊包裹.
你現在應該已經看得出來, 這個以旅遊平台來運作的網站賣的就是一站到位的服務. 它勢必要跟其他商家合作來推出各種商品, 因為世界上是沒有一家公司可以做到出產所有等級, 多種層面, 又含括多樣品牌的旅遊商品的.
商家一多, 素質難免會參差不齊, 這些旅遊商品的品質管控就變得額外重要.  要知道, 旅遊平台對於品質的要求是比天貓, 亞馬遜, Lazada等網購網站要高很多的. 網購, 你買到劣質商品可以丟棄再買; 但是旅遊, 你買的是回憶, 是當下的氛圍, 如果顧客訂購了一趟處處有漏洞的旅遊包裹, 當他身歷一場噩夢之後, 就幾乎再也不會光顧同一家的服務. 這種情形, 主營商家當然會首當其衝, 而 旅遊平台作為代理人, 難免也會掃到颱風尾.
品質管控要如何實踐呢? 我們可以建立一個生態系統來汰弱留強. 這個生態系統要有比淘寶和亞馬遜更嚴苛的評分標準.
首先, 商家和遊客都各有自己的評分, 而且他們是採取兩套不同的評分機制. 商家的評分可以照搬網購那套由會員留言和評分的五星級評分機制. 再進化一些, 可以由商家和光顧過的遊客各自上傳自己的實地錄影來互相比對.
而遊客則採用積分制. 為了鼓勵遊客積極儲分, 就以積分換取產品或折扣來推廣. 積分的方式可以透過在他訂製過的旅遊包裹被沿用的數目來獲得. 而各旅遊包裹的擁有者又可以附加個人網誌, 照片, 甚或影片來介紹他玩過的景點或享用過的美食特色, 和每一處必需注意的大小事項, 這樣就可以做到多人沿用同一套行程的旅遊包裹的差異化.
這個平台會依靠兩大元素來推動成長. 其一就是靠開發者的不斷優化系統跟創新, 其二就是綜上所述把控好商品的品質.
好了, 這聽起來很棒是吧? 那麼現在哪家公司最有潛質可以開發出這樣的系統?如果我說是亞航, 你會覺得意外嗎?
先來看看要建構出這個平台, 再把它規模化, 需要具備些甚麼條件?
1.) 技術與創新
亞航正在轉型為一家以數位化旅遊為號召的科技公司.為了轉型, 它已經做了提前布局:   1.)	2016年1月, 亞航首度聘請了 一位美國專才Shanti Nikunj 為CDDO         (Chief Digital & Data Officer).   2.)	在bangalore 設立研發部門. (bangalore素有印度矽谷之稱)   3.)	在美國矽谷設立一家名為Redventures的公司. 其目的為跟進最新的科技趨勢,         然後把有潛能的科技注入亞航.   4.)	大量運用數位科技以推往三大方向 ------ “壓低成本”, “提高輔助收入” 和 “增強客戶體驗”   5.)	亞航從今年開始已經運用Machine Learning對它現有的所有data做大量的分析.         Machine Learning 正是AI的一部分.所以技術對它來說絕對不是問題. 
至於創新, 亞航是著名很注重創新的公司. 它是亞洲首家提出數位化概念的航空公司. 在網路還不盛行的年代, 亞航就已經是世界首幾家靠網路販售機票的航空公司. Tony & Kamaruddin也有一家Tube Labs用來孵化任何有創新概念的商業模式. 亞航旗下新增的https://deals.airasia.com/https://touristly.com/ 就是由Tube labs 孵化出來的.
如果最近你有瀏覽亞航的網站, 你會發現它的各套系統幾乎涵蓋了以上所述的旅遊平台提供的所有服務 :
https://www.airasia.com/ 賣機票https://www.airasiago.com.my/ 酒店住宿https://airasiaredtix.com/   各種event的預訂與售票https://cars.airasia.com/ 租車服務https://www.bigdutyfree.com/ 網上免稅商品https://deals.airasia.com/ 在地活動的售票與行程規劃
這堆系統 除了www.airasiago.com.my 和cars.airasia.com , 其他都是亞航自己研發與維護的.亞航現在需要做的是以deals.airasia.com為骨幹, 讓其他子系統一一的跟它銜接起來, 然後再注入Machine Learning 為它的大腦, 一個旅遊平台會就此誕生.
2.) 把產品模組化的能力
廉價航空本來就在經營一個模組化的生意模式, 你如果向他們選購機票, 那就單單只是機票. 要附加餐飲, 請選購, 要附加行李重量, 請選購, 要附加保險, 請選購, 要附加座位選擇, 請選購.
模組化可說是廉價航空業者的靈魂, 是他們的日常routine. 要把它注入系統開發, 根本不費吹灰之力.

3.) 客群
要是其他新創業者, 我們也許還得煩惱如何開拓客群的問題. 但是我們在說的是亞航, 一間擁有數量龐大的線上帳戶的航空公司.
Tony 在今年10月初的One Airasia’s Global Investor Day 說過. 亞航現有登記的客戶, 已經高達3,200萬. 要知道, 這3千多萬的客戶都是正規的遊客, 沒有一絲dirty data, 他們每一位都會是旅遊平台的潛在客戶. 亞航只需要做一個single sign on 的功能就馬上可以把這群客戶自動登記在自己的旅遊平台. 
更有甚者, 亞航還可以在它的網站(www.airasia.com)多處嵌入旅遊平台的touch points 以增加外來者的點擊率.
4.) 上線商品的多樣化
這是還有待開發的部分. 亞航現有系統除了cars.airasia.com, 其他都沒有覆蓋世界甚或亞洲的大多數角落.  但是把它們組合起來, 也可以實現不少地點的一站到位了.其實最重要的是先把餅做大, 只要以後去逛旅遊平台變成了每一個遊客的日常,  再加上自己成了毋庸置疑的行業龍頭, 你還怕其他商家不找上門?  當亞航處於最佳位置, 搞不好連其他航空公司都要來上架販售機票.
綜合以上, 別人都還沒起步,  亞航就已經贏在很遠的起跑點上, 要說輸的機會根本是微乎其微. 問題只是做與不做. 
問我, 我肯定會說放膽去幹, 依亞航現在手上握有的資源, 要開發這個平台的成本也許連買一台A320 neo 的價錢都不到.
Tony 不時喊說亞航要當旅遊業的亞馬遜或阿里巴巴 , 可不可以請他把這個旅遊業的天貓先搞出來?
Sukhdev Singh Translated below....

With the ever-changing technology and the rise of the Internet and big data, it is bound to change the future of all walks of life.

How do you plan your trip in 5 to 10 years?
First review the current travel SOP.
a.) Free exercise
1.) Set the destination
2.) Collect relevant information
3.) Planning the trip
4.) Order tickets
5.) Book your hotel
6.) Departure
7.) Active on the ground
8.) Return, return home
b.) Travel agencies
1.) Set the destination
2.) Find a travel agency
3.) Departure
4.) Active on the ground
5.) Return, return home
In comparison, there are many branches in the free exercise, but you can take control of yourself at the right time. The schedule is flexible and the cost is relatively low. However, the travel agency will limit your schedule and require regular work and rest, but the quality and the quality of your travel Can not help you control, but relatively speaking will save a lot of formalities and trouble, you just pay the money is.
So if I tell you that in the future you have the third option to combine all the benefits of free exercise and travel agencies?
That's it. First, you have to log in to a website.
After login, this website will have several modes for you to choose.
If you choose "custom mode", then please answer the following series of questions:
1.) Your destination? Stay time?
2.) How many people?
3.) Need to arrange tickets for you?
4.) Need to arrange accommodation for you?
5.) Need to arrange transportation for you?
6.) Need to arrange activities for you?
7.) Need to arrange a tour guide for you?
If you choose "AI (Artificial Intelligence) mode", then it is another series of questions:
1.) Your destination? Stay time?
2.) How many people?
3.) What taboo do you have?
4.) What is your favorite travel theme?
5.) What is your budget?
When you enter a good answer and then pay, everything else including itinerary, maps and directions is done by the site.You only need to prepare your luggage and passport and leave at the designated time and place.
Of course, whether it is "custom mode" or "AI mode" will inevitably involve some sub-questions or options.Does not rule out some people will hate the length and trouble of the entire filling process.If you are such a person, then no problem , Please select the third mode ------ search, and then use their predecessors customized travel packages.
You should now have seen that this website that operates on a travel platform is a one-stop shop and it is bound to work with other businesses to launch a variety of products because no company in the world can produce all grades , A variety of levels, but also includes a variety of branded travel goods.
More than one business, the quality will inevitably jagged, the quality control of these travel goods becomes an important extra.You know, the quality of the travel platform for the requirements than the Lynx, Amazon, Lazada and other online shopping sites much higher.Netcommerce, You buy inferior goods can be discarded to buy; but travel, you buy memories, is the current atmosphere, if the customer ordered a trip around the loopholes in the tourist package, when he experienced a nightmare, almost never Patronize the same home service. In this case, the main business of course will bear the brunt, and travel platform as an agent, will inevitably swept to the tail of the typhoon.
How can quality control be implemented? We can create an ecosystem that weaker and weaker. The ecosystem has tougher scoring criteria than Taobao and Amazon.
First of all, businesses and tourists each have their own ratings, and they are taking two different scoring mechanisms. Business ratings can be copied from the online shopping that set membership rating and rating by the five-star rating mechanism. Some evolution, by the business And patronized tourists each upload their own live video to compare with each other.
In order to encourage tourists to actively store their points, they are promoted in points for products or discounts, and the points can be obtained through the number of travel packages that they have customized, while the ownership of each travel package They can also attach personal blogs, photos, or even videos to introduce the attractions they've played or the culinary delights they have enjoyed, and the size of things they need to be aware of everywhere, so that they can use the same set of travel packages Differentiation.
The platform will rely on two major elements to promote growth.One is the developer by constantly optimizing the system and innovation, the second is to sum up the quality control of good products.
Well, this sounds great, right? So which company is the most potential to develop such a system now?
If I say AirAsia, you will feel surprised?
First look at the platform to be constructed, then it scale, you need to have what conditions?

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