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Singapore Investment


 my portfolio

What so interesting about my portfolio is I have been playing Frontken few rounds before this. Look at link here of my portfolio:


And the recent round of play is at current holding, which I bought at lower price of 31.5sen. In fact, I will always buy at lower price than the price I sold previously.

The best part is I have been playing this stock before Hong Leong came out a report on Frontken yesterday and any write up by any blogger here before.

I know this stock can perform before analysts or anyone else knowing it. So, I am sure analysts will also be interested to cover what I have in my portfolio right now.

The stocks I am currently holding are as follow:

1. Frontken - TP: 38sen

2. PUC - TP: 25sen; WA- TP: 18sen; WB-TP: 14sen

3. Pasukgb - TP: 24sen

The link below here is for my recent articles. I don't buy stocks blindly, but it is based on two tools, "a combination of fundamental and technical", and one philosophy, "the game of patience". All explained in previous articles.

That are the ways I spot hidden treasure ahead of anyone else including analysts. I am sure people don't want to miss the boat to make huge profit like me and may want to follow what I am currently holding.

Well, it is not late. People still can be on board of the other two stocks before they take off anytime soon! See you all at my TPs.

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