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Favelle Favco: A company specialises in building and maintainence of cranes.
Pintaras Jaya
Pintaras Jaya is a company listed in Malaysia. It is involved in two business activities, mainly geotechnical and foundation engineering services and manufacturing of metal containers. Its construction service arm which is involved in civil engineering works, manufacturing and installation of pre-cast concrete retaining walls also provides a wide range expertise involving:
· Piling System – Driven Piles, Micro piles, Jack in Pile, etc.
· Earth Retaining System – Required for construction of building basement, stabilization of earth slope
· Substructure and Basement – Substructure works below building and activities dealing with groundwater
· Ground Improvement – Increase the carrying capacity and performance of ground
· Civil Engineering Work – Mainly bridges, earthwork and roadwork
As for its manufacturing arm, it manufacture roughly 8 million metal pails and cans annually with customer from the paint, chemical, lubricant, lacquer, confectionery & food industries. Some of its customers are big names including BASF, Boustead Sissons, Colourland, Jotun Malaysia and Kansai Paint.
Pntaras Kaya had executed many projects, some of the notable one include JB Sentral, JB CIQ Complex, iCity Shah Alam, Guthrie Corridor Expressway, Mont Kiara, Pavilion, Menara Merdeka KL118 and various property high rise.
Financial performance wise, Pintaras Jaya had record a great ROCE and profit margin except for year 2016, where margin are squeezed due to lower construction activities and lesser contract being executed. A bleak future may be the concern of many investors as several on-going project are nearing completion and there is an alarming sign of slowing property development activities. However, we has seen a strong performance from its manufacturing division for the year 2016 where it has contributed more than a quarter of Pintaras Jaya profit. Besides, its strong balance sheet which has zero debt and cash position of RM127 million will certainly provide a strong buffer for Pintaras to manoeuvre over any headwinds.
In 2011, Pintaras has disposed of its loss making plastic packaging business, Cornplast Packaging. Since then, resources are devoted to the remaining two division. As of FY 2016, Pintaras strong capital expenditure plan has enable him to execute projects up to RM250 million and a new automated pail line is now in operation for its manufacturing division.
With upcoming mega infrastructure construction in Malaysia and experience in piling for the world third highest tower, Pintaras Jaya is suitable for investors who seek for dividend and growth.