I first wrote about Hengyuan on 12 July 2017, I was also not so sure.
But subsequent to that article, many positive development have unfolded.
From a slightly positive attitude, I have now turned very bullish on this stock.
(a) Crack Spread In Very Bullish Territory, Touching USD10.22 Yesterday
Please refer to diagram below, which is self explanatory.

(b) Royal Dutch Shell Unveiled Fantastic Earning Yesterday, MOSTLY Due To Strong Refining Profitability

(c) Crack Spread Is Expectd To Remain Strong Going Into Second Half of 2017

From a slightly positive attitude, I have now turned very bullish on this stock.
(a) Crack Spread In Very Bullish Territory, Touching USD10.22 Yesterday
Please refer to diagram below, which is self explanatory.

(b) Royal Dutch Shell Unveiled Fantastic Earning Yesterday, MOSTLY Due To Strong Refining Profitability

(c) Crack Spread Is Expectd To Remain Strong Going Into Second Half of 2017
