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Singapore Investment


 RHBBANK (1066) & AMBANK (1015) 可能融资?!

两家银行同时申请明天停牌,到底是巧合,还是早有预谋呢? 就在今日收市前,两者都不约而同的起了,分别是RHB 起一仙跟 AMBANK 起了十一仙。 到底他带给我们什么信息呢?

加上今年AMBANK 业绩上好,净利提高了约20%。原因是因为NII(net interest income) 增加了。

在GDP 不断成长中,银行的利润也是相对可能被提高的。许多公司都需要庞大的基金以支持他们未来的发展。从中银行可以获得不少利润。


RHBBANK (1066) & AMBANK (1015) potentially exercise merging ?!

Both of the big boys applied for the suspension of their stock trading for tomorrow. Was it pure coincidence ? Or was it planned ? Anyhow, both of the company's share price increased today despite lack of good investment sentiment. What message does it gives to us ?

AMBANK group posted a higher earnings this year by approximately 20%, which caused by higher NII (Net Interest Income).

In an emerging market where the GDP is in a positive growth state, bank businesses could potentially reap benefit from it as businesses would borrow more to finance their project and thus resulted a higher earning in bank.

However, the probability for both banks to merge completely is low. It's more likely that both banks agreed on a mutual agreement to grow their business instead. Nevertheless, we will never know what is the real cause before they announce it to the general public. The increase in stock price may indicate something, but we strongly not to act based on unconfirmed informations.

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