OPCOM (0035) - DRB is the facilitator for ECommerce while OPCOM is the enabler of ECommerce (Calvin Tan)
Hi guys,
I read that Warren Buffet admitted that he missed both AMAZON & GOOGLE in his portfolio. Both did exceptionally well.
AMAZON’s Jeff Bezos already ovetaken Warren Buffet to be the second richest person after Bill Gates. And Jeff Bezos might also overtake Bill Gates to be the Number One Richest Man on planet earth – All by the POWER OF ECOMMERCE!
So I am very interested in this new phenomena of the Future – ECommerce.
And I found 2 in KLSE
1) DRB – This is the facilitator for ECommerce.
DRB already has a fleet of trucks, planes & warehouses for transportation of goods. Then it took over 53.5% of POS with 800 outlets. DRB injected its logistic arm into POS. In fact DRB will assemble more trucks should more vehicles of conveyance are needed. For the nooks & corners of the city, the kampung or the remotest village DRB also produce motorbikes for last mile delivery.
So DRB is the Ficilitator of ECommerce. Others are GDExpress, CityLink, SKYNET, FDExpress * others. But POS/DRB hold Pole Position just like Alibaba of China & Amazon of USA.
So buying into DRB you are buying into the Future of ECommerce – this one going to take the world by storm. Just like the advent of the first motor car that changed the entire mode of transport.
While DRB is the facilitator of ECommerce OPCOM is its Enabler!
Why so?
Because OPCOM produce “FIBER OPTIC” CABLE that is the vital link of Internet Communication!
Fiber Optic use glass instead of copper wires. As glass transmits light it is faster and also a non conductor of electricity. A big boost of orders will come in later when the Mammoth Pengerang Oil & Gas Project is ready. Where danger from lighting strike through copper cabling can be avoided by using non conductor of electricity like OPCOM’s FIBER OPTICS.
As more and more businesses move up the efficient chain of ECommerce, EPay, EBooks, Email, ETeleconference, EGovt, EBanking & EStorage there will be a great need for HSSB (High Speed Broad Band) connections.
High Speed? Yessss!
The speed of light is 186,000 miles per second. So within the blink of a second knowledge is transmitted from Kuala Lumpur to London or New York, or the Antartica.
Last time when Pm Badadi called for 9MP (9 Malaysia Plan Construction Projects) I knew cement & steel were needed. So I bought into all the cement companies – Tasek at Rm2.90, YTL-Cement at Rm2.20, CIMA at Rm2.40, CMSB at Rm2.20 & Lafarge at only 66 sen. All the construction works need cement. And all these cement companies went up by 300% to 600% later. Ytl-Cement & CIMA were both taken private. Tasek, CMSB & Lafarge turned into Blue Chips. It was so easy then.
All the basic need for HSSB comes from one sole company – OPCOM in Malaysia
With the huge increase of ECommerce there will be even more and increasing demand for Fiber Optic Cables. And coming soon will be another Huge Source of Revenue from Pengerang’s RAPID. As Fiber Optic is a non conductor of electricity.
Meanwhile, Opcom has already secured a Rm300 Million Project Awards from TM & Others. This will enable it to declare a Windfall Dividend just like it did when it secured a Rm359 Millions Project Award last time.
It was a nice 22 Sen Cash Payout & followed by another 10 Sen Tax Free Dividend then. OPCOM jumped across Rm1.00 then.
And so it will happen again.
As to when we do not know.
So Calvin urge all not to time the market but to buy some OPCOM while price is still cheap.
I also recommended HTPadu at around 55 Sen after seeing HTPadu secured a Rm580 Million Job Awards in 2 Years. And HTpadu just decllared a nice 5 Sen dividend. Price of HTPadu has surged to 86 Sen now – up 56%
Now it will be OPCOM’s turn to Rise Soon!
SEEING This Director Chhoa Kwang Hua has been accumulating OPCOM shares
KLSE: OPCOM (0035) | OPCOM HOLDINGS BHD | ACE : Technology |
Last Price | Today’s Change | Day’s Range | Trading Volume |
0.61 | ![]() |
0.595 – 0.615 | 161,900 |
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OPCOM (0035) - DRB is the facilitator for ECommerce while OPCOM is the enabler of ECommerce (Calvin Tan)