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Singapore Investment


video Power Talks: Datuk Seri Cheah Cheng Hye

worth your time , definitely.


some take aways

Success in stock market don't need qualifications.
The guy is only MCE or O levels qualification.
No need to be accountant.
So much of it is internal. About character, honesty, willingness to learn, curiousity about the world
Blackjack card counter ( just like me )...desire to beat the system, not gambling.
PE ratio is not the end of the story.....its business, people and price....in that order
Contrarian view means you  need greater insights than what is generally known already
You need to be steady
That as a fund manager, he cannot live his life worried about the next big crash. His job is to make so much money during summer than when winter arrives, he is still ahead in the game. This philosophy is so much better than Malaysian Warren Buffet ( self declared ), Tan Teng Boo.
He believe the best career for young people is probably technology , no longer finance as there are too many finance people already
Technology, health care and entertainment are the industries for the future. ...meaning people are willing to pay a premium price for these industries.
Told the story of him selling BYD to Warren Buffet at its peak....suggesting to audience he is better than Warren Buffet.
Talks about the killer instinct...the willingness to thrust the knife, to sailang, to kill when the opportunity arises.
Thinks the era of strong US$ is probably over...and that is good for Malaysia and China as we don't have to worry about currency slides. The weakness of ringgit is recent years have held back foreign investors. With this factor solved, foreign investors are coming back to Malaysia. China will relax its capital controls once the pressure on the yuan eases, and that is good for HK and Malaysia.

What are you waiting for?

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