AT (0072) - AT...A Gem in Automation Industry
AT, AT WA & AT WB...A brother of Pentamaster
Many familiar with Penta! Leader in industrial automation..price surge from 0.20 to almost 3...A little brother AT..also in this industry..
Why so great abt this industry? It is about industrial 4.0...All co looking to robot to takeover the job so that productivity can be increased with lower cost and higher output thus better profit. Many of the current job now simply not able to handle by blue colar worker... becos of high tech skill...So automatic is the only way to go...Why this can be done?.all becos of internet...All machine whatever so can be operating by a click/touch on the button even u r not on the premises. Do u see how huge the opportunity for those co involves in this industry? To survive in the future the only way is look for automation..even the govt nowadays also automate so many of their services via online...Then how about private co? No need to ask otherwise they r asking for trouble.
Ok..let look at AT...lately the corp exer manage to clean out the balance sheet and now it is a net cash company. Clearly c from the latest Q result, profit up by 200%+...Turnaround is on d way...
AT WA also breakout from the long term downtrend. Same as AT, a minor pullback is a gd opportunity...

AT (0072) - AT...A Gem in Automation Industry