Koon Yew Yin 21st April 2017
Dear Editor,
I refer to your email regarding pengembaraalam's comment on my stock pick for 2016 organised by Tan KW. As I said before that if participants for the competition cannot buy and sell to change their shareholdings, the competition is not real. It is only a guessing game and I must admit that I am not good at guessing. In actual practice, investors buy and sell frequently. In fact, day traders buy and sell several times in a day.
I am a serious long term investor and I buy shares basing on the profit growth prospects of the companies. I do not blindly base on charts to buy shares. I also do not worry too much on the company accounts because it only shows its past performance and it does tell you how the company will perform in the coming year. That is why those so called expert financial analysts cannot be successful. If you don’t believe what I just said, you can ask them to show their track records.
I buy shares basing on the company’s business. What kind of business? Is it a good business? For example, I will not buy company’s shares in Plantation, Oil & Gas, GLC and Properties. If you look at the oversupply of properties in every town and city in Malaysia, only stupid investors will buy these shares although some of them are still showing good profit due property sale of previous years. But they will not show increasing profit in the coming years.
As a co founder of Mudajaya, Gamuda and IJM Corporation Bhd. I have more than 50 years of doing business experience. Like all clever and successful business men, I carefully examine the future profit growth of the companies before I buy the shares even though they are showing losses last year.
For examples, in the last few months I have been slowly accumulation JAKS and Eversendai. I am now the controlling shareholder of JAKS and I hold about 50 million Eversendai. I dare to buy them even though they show losses last year. The 2 price charts show how well they are performing.
You may like to know my track record. I have been substantial shareholders of Latitude Tree and VS Industry. Latitude went up more than 800% and VS went up about 600%. I sold some of my holdings to buy JAKS and Eversendai.
I am the 2nd largest shareholder of Lii Hen which went up more than 800% in the last 3 years. I am still a substantial shareholder.
The definition of the word substantial shareholder is that the shareholder must own more than 5% of the total issued shares of the company.
I strongly believe JAKS and Eversendai will perform like Latitude, VS or Lii Hen in the near future. I am obliged to tell you not to buy these shares which I am already a substantial shareholder. But if you do, you are doing it at your own risk.
