Most investors don't have time to look at the stock market every day, let alone every hour. They don't have time to compile 8-quarter or 10-year P&L spreadsheets. One of the easiest ways to narrow down the stocks to study is to use screeners or filters. Recently I stumbled upon KLSE Screener, which I find to be very easy to use. I have included it in my Resources.
I will give you 2 examples of how you can screen for stocks. If you are interested in banking stocks, you need to select Main Market & Finance and then key in the parameters. For this example, I have set the following parameters: PE between 8x & 12x; ROE > 8%; DY > 2%; and PTBV < 1x. This is what you will get.

If you want to invest in construction stocks that have been a profit track record of more than 5 years plus 2 parameters - PE between 8x & 15x and DY > 2% - you will get these 3 names.

Finally, the more aggressive players can also try out the warrant screener!! This saves you a lot of hassle to find out the warrant profile from BURSA MALAYSIA. Imagine if you want to punt on Airasia call warrants; you select Airasia & CALL and set your parameters (minimum of 100 days & premium < 20% for example). You will get this.

KLSE Screener also provides market updates, latest entitlements and quarterly results. Check out KLSE Screener today!