ASIAFLE (7129) - A 5-Minute Guide to Asia File Corp Berhad (KLSE: ASIAFLE)
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We are pleased to say that we have received several survey responses and one of it is for Asia File Corp Berhad (KLSE: ASIAFLE). Without further ado, we will zoom in straightaway to this company’s fundamentals.

Company Info
For those of you who have not heard of this company before, here is some quick background of the firm.
AsiaFile is a Malaysian company which engages in the manufacturing and
trading of stationery products. Their products include plastic folders,
sheet protectors, filing boxes, envelopes and other office accessories.
Despite its conventional business model, its business operations have
transcended across the globe in more than 80 countries such as Europe,
United States, Middle East and Singapore. Asia File Corp Bhd has a
market capitalisation of MYR680 million.
Financial Health of the Company
Firstly, let us zoom into the company’s profitability ratios.
Over the past 5 years, its revenue has experienced an average of 8.22%
annual growth. The figures are graphed below for your easy reference.

This growth can be attributed to its business expansion in Europe,
taking advantage of its economies of scale and operational efficiency.
You can read up more on it here. However, from 2014 onwards, its revenue growth has started to stagnate.
In terms of net income, it tends to undergo some fluctuations over the
years but on average, it has clocked an annual growth of 11.45%. Despite
the slight fluctuations in growth, its net income is stable, reaching
far beyond into the positive domain.
The company has also been accumulating cash (and short-term
investments) at a impressive rate over the past 3 years (annual increase
of 59%!). This fact is reflected in its current ratio which grew from
2.82 in 2012 to 3.65 in 2016. As such, the company definitely has the
financial power to venture into growth projects or even acquire new
Based on this report in August 2016 here,
CEO Mr Lim Soon Huat said the group planned to diversify into new areas
and strongly asserted that the company is “the number one player in
lever arch files, ring binders, box files, and dividers, occupying a 60%
market share” in the UK.
Despite all the good notes above, Investors should note that the
company seems to be slipping in revenue growth in 2016. As such, the
year 2016 seems to have been a not-so-good year for the company as
compared to the previous years. Considering that the next earnings
report will be released on 6 March 2017 (Based on WSJ), it is advisable
to hold and assess the upcoming report before making a decision.
At the time of writing, Asia File Corp Bhd has a P/E ratio of 11.7 and
earnings per share of 0.40. Its dividend yield stands at 4.53%.
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ASIAFLE (7129) - A 5-Minute Guide to Asia File Corp Berhad (KLSE: ASIAFLE)