Rubber gloves makers have consistent order due to their nature of business which is manufacturing. Hence, they are even lesser affected. There are definitely other businesses which involve foreign currencies which will be impacted as well or even more. This order will only allow banks to make more money at the expense of companies who are doing the trading.
I used to be in a business which involves selling in USD and hence bringing in USD and other currencies. It is definitely convenient to keep foreign currencies as we do not know when we will be using them rather than changing them into RM and later change them into USD when we need to pay them. Companies that keep USD gets much lower interest rates as US Dollar provides negligible interest, but it is due to business nature that one keeps the USD or any other currencies they trade in. BNM has to understand business more so that these guys are not affected and losing money due to the conversion. Businesses stand to lose between 3% to even as high as 10% (such as THB, IDR etc.) due to this.