According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, HOPE in simple layman terms just means ... " to want something to happen or be true and think that it could happen or be true."
In my early investing and trading career, I banked on HOPE a lot. I will buy a stock and hope it will go up the next day or next week based on the good volume and rising share price. I did not check anything else. It usually ended badly for me but I did not give up on HOPE.
Then I decided to believe what the directors would write in their annual reports and what the research analysts will write on the stock. I could sense that what they were writing have a big element of HOPE but believed them since they were insiders and/or people who had superior knowledge about the situation...well, FAT HOPES! I can tell you losses were always more than the profits I ever made hoping on these guys.
Other times ... where I bought into a PN17 stock (TCubes and PMCap comes to mind) and hoping and hoping that they will come out from that s*h*i*t hole and I will make tons of money. That never happened.
Or ...the time where I bought into the stock because someone claim they are going to invent a world beater product or get a huge contract ...which more times than not did not materialised.
The moral of the story is ....don't depend on HOPE in stock investing. You'll be better off trusting real facts and figures than hoping for this and that. HOPE is left to religion. Good day.