Just talk to a client and I share with him one of the Bursa's newly launch web site: http://www.bursamarketplace.com/. I think it would be good for me to share it here:
Many investors still buy or sell stocks base on tips or rumors, just imagine how nice if you heard a rumors, just sign on to BursaMarket place with your smart phone, then you can confirm if it's a rumors or facts! To have this "Market in Your Pocket", just register online, download the Apps with your smart phone, then you may enjoy full range of benefit from this website.
The site may seem a bit complicated for new investors, but after one go through the Learning / Knowledge tab, it's seem quite easy to use. Investors can find videos and tutorials to start their investment journey.
Daily stocks suggestion, or they call it "Daily Espresso", where one can find recommendation of stocks based on analyst consensus and Alpha Factors. If you don't know what's Alpha Factors, it's a S&P ranking base on 5 category, i.e., Momentum, Valuation, Growth, Efficiency and Quality. (rating 1 is best, and 5 worse)

Another interesting feature, Screener, where one can search stocks base on criteria such as PE, Dividend Yield, Growth and many others. Under the "Opinion Leader" one can search their "Celeb" conversation or follow them in twitter. Last, of course, there are many "Research" reports available which provide by different broker.