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Singapore Investment


看到鸡蛋Teoseng价格临尾突然升RM0.60至RM1.87,就知道有什么事发生,一查之下果然, 季报出了 :P.

不负众望, 净利大幅度提升67%, EPS也比同季5.14提升至6.53 (大约27%)


另外因为饲料的稳定,Teoseng directors 也对接下来9个月的成绩表示乐观~ :)))

Poultry Farming
The Group recorded a higher revenue of RM74.3 million representing an increase of 40.1% and a pre-tax profit of RM21.2 million representing an increase of 76.6% for the current period under review mainly due to higher selling price of eggs coupled with higher production quantity although with a slight increase in feed price.

Investment and Trading

The Group recorded revenue of RM38.3 million which was continuously contributed from the sales of animal health products for the current quarter under review. It recorded a pre-tax profit of RM2.6 million for the segment.

Current Year Prospects

In view of the current stable raw material prices, the Directors are in opinion that the financial results for the remaining 9 months period ending 31 December 2015 are satisfactory.

TEOSENG (7252) - 股市 | Teoseng (7252) Q1,2015季报 :) 

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