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Singapore Investment

Stocks With Momentum - Astino, HIL, Frontken, Petaling Tin, Lien Hoe, I-Bhd, Poh Kong, Complete Logistics, MCT, EUPE, Pasdec, GPA, Century, Public Packaging, Dataprep, Emico

ASTINO (7162), HIL (8443), PTGTIN (2208), LIENHOE (3573), IBHD (4251), POHKONG (5080), COMPLET (5136), MCT (5182), EUPE (6815), PASDEC (6912), GPA (7096), CENTURY (7117), PPHB (8273), DATAPRP (8338), EMICO (9091)

April 17, 2015 : 1:26 PM MYT  

KUALA LUMPUR (April 16): theedgemarkets.com has highlighted 16 stocks with momentum at afternoon market close today. Two stocks show positive momentum while 14 show negative momentum.

The stocks with positive momentum are:

Astino Bhd (fundamental: 3.0;valuation:1.3)up 4sen or 5.06% at 83sen.

HIL Indusstries Bhd  (fundamental: 1.8;valuation:2.25)up 1 sen or 1.03% at 98sen.            

The stocks with negative momentum are:

Frontken Corporation  BHd (fundamental: 1.8;valuation:0.3) up 1.5sen or 6.12% at 26sen

Petaling Tin Bhd (fundamental: 0.75;valuation:0.9) up 1sen or 3.7% at 28sen.

Lien Hoe Corporation Bhd  (fundamental: 0.55;valuation:0.9) up 0.5sen or 1.37% at 37sen.

I-Bhd(fundamental:3.0 ;valuation:2.4) up 1.5sen or 2.31% at 66.5sen.

Poh Kong Holdings Bhd  (fundamental: 0.95;valuation:1.4) up 3sen or 5.45% at 58sen.

Complete Logistic Services Bhd  (fundamental:2.1 ;valuation:1.4) up 0.5sen or 0.55% at 92sen.

MCT Bhd (fundamental: 1.65;valuation:0.3) up 5sen or 3.79% at RM1.37.

EUPE Corporation Bhd  (fundamental:1.25 ;valuation:1.4) up 4 sen or 4.85% at 86.5sen.

Pasdec Holdings Bhd (fundamental:0.65; valuation:2.0) up 2.5sen or 4.76% at 55sen.

GPA Holdings Bhd  (fundamental:0.95; valuation:0.3) up 0.5sen or 4.17% at 12.5sen.

Century Logistics Holdings Bhd  (fundamental:2.3; valuation:2.4) up 5 sen or 5.95% at 89sen.

Public Packages Holdings Bhd (fundamental:1.4; valuation:2.1) up 3.5sen or 4.14% at 88sen.

Dataprep Holdings Bhd  (fundamental:1.35; valuation: 0), up 0.5 sen or 2.04% at 25sen.

Emico Holdings Bhd (fundamental:0.55; valuation:0.9) up 0.5sen or 2.33% at 22sen.

The list of stocks with momentum is generated using a proprietary mathematical algorithm highlighting stocks with a build-up in trading volume and price. The algorithm differentiates between stocks that exhibit positive (+ve) momentum and negative (-ve)momentum.

This list is not a buy or sell recommendation. It merely tells you which stocks are seeing higher than normal volume and price movements. The share price may move up or down from this point. But the "+ve" (suggesting a rising price trend on volume) and "-ve" (suggesting a falling price trend on volume) indicators should give readers a better idea of what the market is buying and when to sell.  Note also that momentum generally only persists for a short period of time.

However, each stock has an accompanying fundamental score and valuation score to help readers evaluate the attractiveness of the stocks, if they want to ride the momentum.

(Note: The Edge Research's fundamental score reflects a company’s profitability and balance sheet strength, calculated based on historical numbers. The valuation score determines if a stock is attractively valued or not, also based on historical numbers. A score of 3 suggests strong fundamentals and attractive valuations. Go towww.theedgemarkets.com for details on a company’s financial dashboard.)

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